Set Work Assignment Status to Incomplete


Use this activity when you cannot complete the planned work fully during the current assignment. When setting a Work Assignment to Incomplete, an Incomplete Cause must be provided.

If you select an Incomplete Cause with Do not reassign to me flag enabled, this Work Task will not be rescheduled to the same resource that set the Work Assignment to Incomplete. If a Scheduling Solution is used, this action also creates a Resource Preference with Preference 0, on the Work Task in Work Task\Scheduling Information.

It is possible to specify how much time remains to complete the remaining work at the same time, and the Time to Completion attribute on the Work Assignment is updated accordingly in the back office.

If creating follow-on work to complete the remaining work is enabled for the Work Task through a Workflow Configuration, the you will be presented with the following options:

For more information, read about the general behavior on the incomplete state event in Set Work Assignment to Incomplete.


System Effects