Send Task for Replanning
Use this activity to create a new resource demand for the Work Task when
you set a Work Assignment to Incomplete. You have the
option to specify a new Resource Group with a preferred Resource ID ( Person or Crew )
for this resource demand. The new resource demand becomes visible in the planning
tools, enabling dispatchers to plan for the remaining work of this Work
- A work assignment should exist.
- Incomplete codes must be defined in Incomplete Cause
- To allow the technician to create follow on work for the remaining work
, this should be enabled through a Workflow Configuration with Configuration
Type - Work Task, Request Task , Configured Work Task
or Configured Request Task.
The relevant configuration should be applied to the Work Task,
and the action Restrict Follow-On Work Actions On Incompletion
must be disabled.
System Effects
- The Work assignment will be set to status Incomplete.
- A Resource Demand line for the suggested Resource Group (and Resource)
will be created for the Work Task and will be available for despatchers
for planning.