This activity is used to assign additional pending events to a maintenance order that has been released and for which work orders have already been generated. You can assign events only for the same top serial (or a serial in its structure) as the one currently on the maintenance order.
If additional events, including non routines and condition measurement events,
without connected task cards are assigned, the event will not be distributed
automatically. Instead, it will be set to the Incomplete status. Before
the event can be set to the Under Preparation or Released status,
a valid task card (i.e., for the part revision of the serial defined on the
event) must be connected to it.
You can add additional pending events
to a maintenance order from the New Maintenance Order
assistant while creating a maintenance order or by selecting the
Assign Events option from Manage Maintenance Order
page. Once the required events are selected, click the Assign selected
events option to add the events to the maintenance order. If the maintenance
order is in the Released or Started status,
you can also use the Assign in background job option to add
the events to the maintenance order through a background job. The assigned background
jobs are visible on the Background Jobs page for monitoring.
If a heavy maintenance contract is connected to the maintenance order and/or if the Heavy Maintenance Contract contract type is set on the maintenance order, a heavy maintenance contract, contract group, and contract line can be connected to the additional event until the event is released. This can be done:
When assigning the event to the maintenance order that has been released or for which work has started.
In the Manage Maintenance Order/Included Events tab.
In the Manage Maintenance Event page.
Note: If you are working with manual maintenance events, it is also possible to add the event to a maintenance order directly from the Manual Maintenance Event page.