Analyze Resource Demand


Perform this activity to analyze resource demands. When working with resources available to multiple projects, project managers and other activities there is a possibility of resources being over-allocated. In order to prevent that, the Resource Analysis page can be used to analyze all resource demands and to find overloads in the resource structure. In this page you can compare the total load with the total capacity for a resource or a resource structure.

The main purpose of analyzing resource demand is to uncover overload of resources, i.e., planning to use more resource capacity than is available. After the evaluation, you should try to remove the overloads, i.e., reschedule activities, assign more resources or lengthen activities.

You can analyze the demand for a resource graphically and compare it to the capacity of the same resource. The settings done in the Resource Analysis Parameters page will decide both what data to be shown in the graph but also how the data is grouped and visualized. These settings are stored per user so same settings can be used regardless of what resource, resource group or resource structure to be analyzed, such as:

Planning Horizon Offset
Use these parameters to set the planning horizon for each tab in the Resource Analysis page. It is possible to define values for Day, Week, Month, Quarter and Year tabs.

Filter Options
The filter options could be used to narrow down the data to show and analyze in the Resource Analysis page. It is possible to filter on Company, Site, Customer and Program. It is also possible to filter the load data on its Demand Status.

Group Options
There are some options for grouping and highlighting data in the graph.
To be able to highlight load from the resource planning for one specific project, the Primary Project could be used. This could be combined with the Forecast Version to instead group and show the load from a resource forecast for the specified project.

The Category values are used for grouping on the project specific Category 2 field. It is also possible to group the load data on their Demand Status.

Filter and Grouping on Projects
This table is used to group and filter on multiple projects and highlight them in the Resource Analysis page. The Project Group Text is used to describe the selected projects and will be shown in the Resource Analysis.

If multiple projects should be added to the filtration and grouping, there are different ways to filter the projects shown in the list:

For example, if we have Project 1, Project 2, and Project 3. Project 1 and Project 2 will be added to the filter and grouping list, whilst Project 3 will not.

  1. If All Projects has been selected - Project 1, Project 2, and Project 3 will be shown.
  2. If Projects exist as parameter has been selected - Project 1 and Project 2 will be shown.
  3. If Projects not exist as parameter has been selected - Project 3 will be shown.

To view the load data, click on a bar in the graph. The demand can come from different sources in Projects, Maintenance, Service, Human Resources, Manufacturing, Mobile Maintenance for Aviation and Resource Management. Each such source has its own category in the graph:

Category Description
Project Categories If you use project categories in the Parameters tab, they are used to group together all demand related to projects of that category.
Project Planning Project resource planning not related to analyzed project categories.
Project Forecast Demand from project forecast set as the active forecast.
Task Management Resource demand from maintenance activities, e g work orders.
Request Management Resource demand from work tasks used in Service.
Training Training activities for trainers and trainees, registered in Human Resources.
Absence Absence registered in Human Resources.
Shop Order Open shop orders that are not connected to projects in analyzed project categories.
Production Schedule Production schedule load calculated by the CRP.
Proposed Manufacturing Load calculated by the CRP for shop order requisitions, unreleased DOP, promise orders etc.
PM Action Preventive maintenance actions.
MM Work Task Resource demand from work tasks in the Mobile Maintenance for Aviation area.
Misc. Resource Allocations Miscellaneous resource allocations of type absence or non-absence, registered in Resource Management.
Crew Member Allocations Allocations for periods where members have been assigned to work on Resource Crews.



System Effects

None, except for the changes you make that are based on your evaluation.