Work Order - Fleet and Asset Management

When distributing maintenance events in IFS/Fleet and Asset Management to a work order, the distribution type, workshop, planned start and finish dates as well as the earliest date and latest finish for the work must be defined. An event can be distributed as a Simplified Work Order, Work Order or Execution Logic Structure.

Simplified Work Order

When an event is distributed using the Simplified Work Order distribution type, the event is processed in IFS/Fleet and Asset Management although transactions for the event are created automatically in IFS/Work Order Management. With the generation of transaction records, tracking economic transactions and recording material consumption is made possible. All the information for a simplified work order is entered in IFS/Fleet and Asset Management. Once the simplified work order is finished, a work order is automatically processed in the background as follows:

  1. A work order is created for each maintenance event that is processed as a simplified work order.
  2. A single work task is created per work order.
  3. A resource line is added to the work task for the reported personnel time.
  4. A material line is added to the work task for reported material.
  5. The work order is released.
  6. The work task is started.
  7. Material is issued for the work task.
  8. Time is reported on the work task.
  9. Time transactions are authorized for the work task.
  10. The work task is finished.
  11. The work order is finished.
  12. The maintenance event on the maintenance order or in serial order history is updated including cost incurred for personnel or material.

Note: You will not have any interaction with a work order when processing simplified work orders.

The handling of material transactions on simplified work orders can be handled in different ways. You can let the simplified work order issue material directly from inventory to each work order. This works fine if it is not important to have strict control on which inventory locations the material is issued from. If this is not satisfying, it is possible to define material requisitions for each site, where the users can perform the inventory transactions before the maintenance event is finished. When the event is finished, the inventory transactions will be moved from the material requisition to the work order that is executed in the background. Follow these steps to set up the material requisitions:

  1. Define one material requisition for each site where simplified work orders will be executed. Material requisitions are created in IFS Distribution.
  2. Enter permanent material requisitions for each site. A permanent material requisition defines the material requisition on each site to use for material transactions on simplified work orders. Note that material transactions will be executed directly against inventory if permanent material requisitions are not defined. This step is optional.

Work Order

When events are distributed with the Work Order or Execution Logic Structure distribution type, a work order is generated for each event and will be processed in IFS/Work Order Management. All financial transactions are traced by the work order.

For more information on how work orders are processed, refer the online help file Work Order.

Work Order Integration

Transfer Maintenance Event to Work Order

When maintenance orders are processed as simplified work orders, each connected event becomes a single work order in IFS/Work Order Management. A structure of work orders is not created so that the connection between each work order can be performed independent of the maintenance order. For maintenance orders with the Work Order distribution type, it is possible to specify if a work order structure is to be created or not. When processing maintenance orders with the Execution Logic Structure distribution type, a work order structure is always created.

When an event is distributed, the following attributes are transferred from the event to the work order:

Attribute Description
Mx Event Number The unique number of the event distributed to the work order. It is used to identify the event when status changes are sent from the work order.
Part Number The part number of the serial on which the work order is performed. 
Serial Number The serial number of the serial on which the work order is performed.
Contract The site where the work order will be created. The event gets this values from the workshop to which the event is distributed.
Mx Event Type The type of event. The event type becomes the work type on the work order and contains one of the values below. Note: this attribute cannot be changed for work orders with the VIM connection type, and business logic is connected to each type:
  • Intervalmaint - 1
  • Serial rep - 3
  • Modification - 4
  • On-condition - 5
  • Post Maintenance Check
Mx Event Code The event code of the event.
Mx Event Description The description of the event.
Planned Start Date The planned start date and time of the event.
Planned Finish Date The planned finish date and time of the event.
Required Start Date The required start date and time of the event.
Required Finish Date The required finish date and time of the event.
Vehicle ID The registration number of the vehicle.
Order Number The order number of the maintenance order.
Order Sequence The order sequence of the maintenance order.
Maintenance Organization The maintenance organization connected to the workshop on the maintenance order performing the event.
Distribution Type The distribution type of the maintenance event. Possible values are Work Order, Simplified Work Order or Execution Logic Structure.
Service Contract If an active service contract is connected to a maintenance order this contract will be transferred to the generated work orders (for the maintenance events) and work tasks. Note: When the Execution Logic Structure distribution type is set, the contract will only be applied to the generated work tasks. During the transfer, the system will apply the most suitable vehicle service line on the contract to the generated work orders and work tasks. If a valid vehicle service line does not exist, the contract will not be applied on the work orders and work tasks. For more information on connecting a service contract to a maintenance order and applying the service contract/vehicle service lines on work orders and work tasks, refer the online help files Connect Contract to Maintenance Order and Release Maintenance Order.

Note: The service contract will not be applied to the corresponding work orders and work tasks if,

  •  Both service contract and service quotation are connected to the maintenance order or
  • A service contract is connected to the maintenance order and a service quotation is connected to an included maintenance event.

This is because in both instances the service quotation is prioritized instead of the service contract.

Work Type ID The work type defined for the maintenance event. The work type indicates what kind of work should be performed on a work order, such as, preventive maintenance, lubrication, repair, shutdown etc.
Progress Template The identity of the progress template.
Vehicle ID on Work Order Indicates if the vehicle ID is to be used as the object ID when work orders are created.
ELO Number The ELO number for the execution logic order (ELO).
Parent ELO Number The ELO number for the parent ELO.
ELO Description The description of the ELO.
Execution Logic Sorting Contains the sequence the ELOs will be executed in.
Create WO Structure Indicates if a top work order should be created for the maintenance order and all work orders generated for the events will be connected to this top work order in a work order structure.
Customer Number The identification of the customer associated with the maintenance visit.
Currency Code The short code for the currency in which the customer is being charged.
Coordinator The identity of the person responsible for coordinating the handling of contracts, quotations, and customer orders.

If a service contract is connected to the maintenance order and a coordinator is defined for the contract, this coordinator will be set on the work orders and work tasks on which the contract information is applied. If a service quotation is connected to the maintenance order or a maintenance event, the quotation coordinator will be set on the corresponding work orders and work tasks.

For the maintenance events, predefined task cards are transferred to the work order, including connected resources, material etc. The following table shows all the attributes that are transferred:

Attribute – Task Cards Description
Task Card ID/Subtask ID The identity of the task card or subtask.
Task Card Revision The revision of the task card.
Task Card Description The description of the task card or subtask.
Duration The planned number of hours for executing the task card or subtask.
Work Description The description of the work to be done.
Criticality Code Indicates the type of criticality associated with the connected task card or subtask. For subtasks, the criticality code is inherited from the parent task card.
Criticality Level Indicates the level of criticality associated with the connected task card or subtask. For subtasks, the criticality level is inherited from the parent task card.
Signature Requirement Requirements to sign off the task card or subtask when work is completed.
Reference Number The reference to an external task card ID for the task card.
WO Number The number of the work order to which the task card or subtask is connected.
Maint. Org. Site The site of the maintenance organization connected to the workshop on the maintenance order.
Maint. Org. The maintenance organization connected to the workshop on the maintenance order
Planned Start Date The planned start date for the task card or subtask.
Planned Finish Date The planned finish date for the task card or subtask.
Source Rowkey Technical reference to the task card ID or subtask ID.
Object Rowkey Technical reference to the object ID.
Work Type ID The work type defined for the maintenance event. The work type indicates what kind of work should be performed on a work order such as preventive maintenance, lubrication, repair, shutdown etc.
Mx Event Number The unique number of the maintenance event to which the task card or subtask is connected.
ELO Number The number of the ELO to which the task card or subtask is connected.
Customer Number The identification of the customer associated with the maintenance visit.
Currency Code The short code for the currency in which the customer is being charged.
Coordinator The identity of the person responsible for coordinating the handling of quotations and customer orders.
Attribute – Resource Description
Task Card ID/Subtask ID The identity of the task card or subtask that requires the resource.
Planned Quantity The quantity of the resource planned for the work.
Work Task The unique number of the work task to which the resource is connected.
WO Number The number of the work order to which the resource is connected.
Resource Sequence The unique number of the resource group.
Demand Type The type of resource demand, i.e., whether a person group or tool/equipment group is required to perform the task card or subtask.
Remark Displays any additional information entered when registering the resource per task card or subtask.
Mx Event Number The unique number of the maintenance event to which the resource is connected.
Distribution Type The distribution type for the released maintenance events. Possible values are Work Order, Simplified Work Order or Execution Logic Structure.
Order Number The order number of the maintenance order to which the resource is connected.
Activity Origin The origin is set to Maint Order Task Card for the activities generated for resource demands on a maintenance order.
Attribute – Material Description
Task Card ID/Subtask ID The identity of the task card that requires the material.
Part Number The part number of the required part.
Site The site from which the part is to be retrieved. The value of this attribute is the site connected to the workshop where the event has been distributed.
Planned Quantity The required quantity of the part.
Ownership The ownership of the material.
Owner The owner of the material. This can be a customer for customer-owned stock and a supplier for supplier-loaned stock. Note: Transferring ownership and owner information is only applicable for maintenance orders/event that have the Work Order or Execution Logic Structure distribution types.
Unit of Measure (UoM) The UoM for the serial as defined on its Part Catalog record. If the UoM for the site at which the work order is created is different, an automatic UoM conversion is performed during the transfer. The transferred material quantity will then be correct in accordance with the UoM on the site.
Work Task The unique number of the work task to which the material is connected.
WO Number The number of the work order to which the material is connected.
Required Date The date on which the material is required.
Condition Code The condition code for the material. Only applicable for serial and lot/batch parts for which the condition code functionality is enabled.
Material Sequence Technical reference to the material.
Mx Event Number The unique number of the maintenance event to which the material is connected.
Distribution Type The distribution type for the released maintenance events. Possible values are Work Order, Simplified Work Order or Execution Logic Structure.

Status Changes on Work Tasks and Work Orders

When the work order has been created, information is sent to the maintenance event on certain status changes on the work tasks for the work order. The status changes and information sent are shown in the table below:

Change Status To Information Sent to Maintenance Event
Started/Work Started When the work task status is changed to Work Started for the first work task connected to the work order, the status of the work order is automatically changed to Started. The actual start date for the work task, is sent to the event, and the event changes status to Started.
Released When the work task status is changed from Work Started back to Released for the last connected work task, the status change is sent to the event and the start date of the event is cleared. The event status is changed to Released.
Work Done When the work task status is changed to Work Done for the last work task connected to the work order, the status change is sent to the event and the event status is changed to Work Done.
Finished When the work task status is changed to Finished, the total cost, actual start and finish along with internal remark and action taken are sent to the task cards connected to the event. Resources with time reports and issued material are also sent. Note: If the UoM for the serial (in IFS/Part Catalog) is different to the UoM for the site at which the work order is created, an automatic UoM conversion is performed when issued material is sent back to the event. As a result, the material quantity that is sent to the event will be correct in accordance with the UoM for the serial. The finish date on the event is set when the event is set to status Finished. When the maintenance order is set to Finished, the maintenance order and the event becomes historical, and maintenance order and event-specific history is created (Maintenance Order History and Serial Order History).
Cancel When the work order is canceled, a cancellation cause is sent to the maintenance order and the event is canceled.

Task Card and Subtask Closure Dependencies

When finishing a work task with the VIM connection type and the Task Card source, the system will validate if there are open or ongoing subtasks associated with the task card. This ensures thoroughness and quality in maintenance operations, informing the user of unfinished work associated with the task card.

Depending on the specified property value for the global object property VALIDATE_TC_CLOSURE that you have enabled in the Object Properties page, you can choose whether a warning or error message should be triggered. When the property value is set to ERROR, dependencies will be strictly enforced, resulting in a hard stop and generating an error but when the property value is set to WARNING, a warning will be raised but you can proceed with the action if you choose to do so.

A warning or error message will be displayed during the following scenarios:


 Historical Work Orders

Work orders originating from IFS/Fleet and Asset Management, have included some information necessary to transmit the result of the work done and update the vehicle maintenance schedule. Information about the work done is collected from work order historical data. These data are available once the status of the work order changes to Finished.

For more information on historical work orders, refer the online help file Work Order History.