Report Picking of Lines


When you handle customer orders or shipments with stored parts, they need to be reserved and picked on a specific inventory location. Whenever the parts are picked, the warehouse staff should enter what, how much, and from which inventory location they have picked the parts for each specific order or shipment.

Use the Report Picking of Pick List Lines page and/or the Warehouse Task/Report Picking of Customer Order to report picking with deviation from the generated pick list. In the Shipment and the Shipments pages, you can report pick of pick list lines by using the Report Picking of Pick List Lines operation. In this page, it is possible to report picking of pick list line-by-line.

When the pick list lines are from a customer order line, you can pick both fewer and more parts than stated on the pick list. The Close toggle button on the order line can be used to close the order line after picking. You can use this function if you want to pick report fewer parts than ordered and you do not intend to pick and deliver the remaining parts. When pick list lines are from a shipment order, purchase receipt return or project deliverable shipment plan, it is not allowed to pick more parts than stated on the pick list.

You only need to change the quantity on those pick list lines that deviate; the remaining lines are reported according to the pick list. If you pick fewer parts than stated on the pick list line the remaining quantity is released, unless you use shipment inventory and choose to keep remaining reservations at partial picking via the order type or shipment type. Partial picking is useful if you are not able to pick everything at the same time due to some constraint (e.g., what you pick does not fit on the forklift or in the handling unit you pack into), then you can pick multiple times until you have picked everything.

In case one or several of the parts to be picked are serial tracked at receipt and issue but not serial tracked in inventory or catch-unit-handled, the Report Picking of Pick List Lines page should be used to report picking. The Report Picking option will be unavailable.

For customer order connected pick lists, you can also choose between picking the parts from the selected location and picking the parts from a location other than stated.

When handling customer orders which are not connected to shipments, if you no longer want to deliver the entire quantity picked, it is possible to change this in the Deliver Customer Order with Differences page for lines not connected to any shipment. Query for the order in question, select on the line and then enter the required quantity to deliver in the Qty to Deliver field. Then click Deliver with Differences option. Click OK in the message box that is displayed. This means that the quantity is no longer reserved.

For a shipment, if you no longer want to deliver the entire quantity picked, it is possible to adjust the picked quantity before delivery in four different ways: removal of shipment lines, reassignment of shipment line quantities, reassignment of handling units, or adjustments in the shipment inventory. This means that the content of the shipment is changed and the handling unit structure and the documents must be reviewed again before delivery.

When pick-reporting MRO Objects, it is not possible to report more than the reserved quantity.

If there are reserved unidentified parts that are serial tracked at receipt and issue, then the Identify Serials dialog page appears to identify serials. You can enter or use the list of values to enter available serials at the selected location. Confirm the serial by clicking OK. If the parts are serial tracked at receipt and issue but not serial tracked in inventory, a dialog box appears where the serial number(s) that has been picked should be identified. Click OK when completed.

In case you have entered a quantity greater then the revised quantity, i.e. the quantity stated on the order line, the Overpicked Order Lines dialog page will appear. To confirm the pick report, click OK in the dialog page.

Note: To do partial picking of purchase receipt returns and shipment order lines with demand code purchase receipt, setting Keep Remaining Reservation at Partial Picking should be enabled for the shipment type. Furthermore, zero picking is restricted in these flows.

By running command Report Picking and Packing it is possible to pick parts and at the same time attach them to a shipment handling unit, i.e. "pick and pack". An assistant gives you the possibility to attach the picked quantity to a new or an existing handling unit. There are also options to create SSCC for the handling unit and to print handling unit labels and packing list. No separate basic data is needed but if you want a default handling unit type to be fetched for new handling units then you can set that in Site/Shipment Management page.


System Effects