Disassembly Shop Order

A shop order of type Disassembly is an electronic document that authorizes the disassembly of a specified part. I.e., the main part issued to the shop order is disassembled and the recovered components are received into inventory. A disassembly shop order can also consume material required in the disassembly process, and it can produce by-products in addition to the disassembly components. When you create a disassembly shop order, the system creates material requirements and schedules operations. The system retrieves operations and materials according to the part, valid disassembly structure/routing revision and selected alternate.

A remanufacturing shop order can be created manually, or from a case task handover. It can also be created by converting a disassembly shop order requisition into a shop order.

The status code shows where the shop order is in the process. It also controls what you can do with the shop order. You cannot manually change a shop order's status. The system does this automatically in response to actions performed on the shop order. When you enter a new shop order, the system sets its status automatically to either Planned or Released depending on the setting on the Site/Manufacturing page.

The following table summarizes the shop order status codes:

Status Description
Planned A low-status shop order, e.g., an order for a part that you have planned but have not yet made the final decision to execute. You cannot reserve material or report operations for an order with this status.
Parked A shop order that has been blocked and cannot/should not be further processed until the cause has been resolved. Depending on the park reason the order can release its reservations, load, supply and demand allocations. Unparking the order will set back the status to the same as before it was parked.
Released A shop order that has been released for disassembly.
Reserved A shop order with at least one reserved material line, but no issued material, or reported operations.
Started A shop order with issued material and/or reported operations.
Closed A shop order that has been completed. No additional quantity can be reported or received unless it is re-opened.
Cancelled A shop order that cannot be further processed. Cannot be re-opened.