Balance Supply to Parent Demands
You can balance the supply quantity of a component on a shop
order requisition, purchase order line or a shop order to demands for parent
part shop order requisitions and shop orders. Select a node for a base
supply in the tree structure, then select a parent demand to balance from
the Parent Part Demand tab. Now you can either:
- Connect the requisition or order with its existing lot size by
clicking Connect to Balance.
- Connect an order or requisition with a new lot size by entering the
desired quantity in the Quantity in Balance field.
- Connect an order or requisition by entering the amount of the
component you want to balance out to this demand by editing the
Component Qty Required in Balance field. The new lot size will be
automatically calculated to match the component quantity required
A batch balance node must exist.
To balance the supply to a shop order requisition:
- The revision/alternate on the shop order requisition should use the
part to balance as a component.
- The shop order requisition should have status Proposal Created.
- The Requisition Type should be Manufacturing.
- Ownership must be Company Owned.
- The shop order requisition cannot be connected to a project.
- The manufactured part cannot be a serial part.
- The shop order requisition cannot be connected to a batch balance.
To balance the supply to a shop order:
- The part to balance should exists as a material line on the shop
- The Order Type should be Manufacturing.
- Demand Code should be Inventory Order.
- The shop order should have status Planned or Released.
- Ownership must be Company Owned.
- Shop order requisition cannot be connected to a project.
- Manufactured part cannot be a serial part.
- Manufactured part cannot be a configured part.
- Shop order cannot be connected to a batch balance.
- Shop order must have Include as Supply option enabled.
- Component part to balance should not be the same as the manufactured
part on the shop order.
System Effects
As a result of this activity, demand orders gets connected to the
selected supply and new nodes in the batch balance are generated and
displayed in the tree structure. Adjusted quantities update the lot sizes of
the demand orders.