Create Manufacturing Shop Order Requisition Manually
Use this activity to manually enter a manufacturing shop order requisition. You can also
generate a shop order requisition from MRP, Project MRP(PMRP), Master Scheduling,
Order Proposals, Next-Level, and similar planning engines.
To create a manufacturing requisition manually, create a new record and
enter below values:
- Enter the
desired part and quantity to manufacture.
- Select Manufacturing in the Requisition
Type drop-down.
- Enter the date when the manufactured parts should be available in
stock in the Due Date field.
- The part being requisitioned must exist as an inventory part with a
manufacturing structure header.
- To create a requisition manually from the Production Line Management
page, a routing revision/alternate valid for the production line must have
been selected using the Routing Operation Parameters
System Effects
- The system creates a shop order requisition with the Requisition
Type set to Manufacturing.
From this requisition, you can create a shop order.
- The system automatically generates the requisition number and
suggests the start date for manufacturing.
The start date is calculated as the entered due date minus the part lead
time for the quantity entered. If Plan Manufacturing Supply on Due
Date is enabled for the part, the lead time is compressed by one
day since the manufacturing is planned to be finished on the same date
as the due date.
- If the requisition is created from the Production Line Management
page, the routing revision and alternate will be set based on the routing
revision/alternate selected for the production line part.