Digital Inspection Sign Off of Operation Subtasks
You can perform digital inspection sign off for an operation subtask. This is
compulsory in order to close a shop order where the
Inspection Sign Off Required field on a subtask has been set to Required to
Close Shop Order.
This procedure is normally performed by an inspector. It is possible to
revoke the inspection sign off.
IFS Signature Service requires the users to use an additional authentication
device, YubiKey, for digital sign off. More information on the setup of
digital signature can be found here.
To perform this activity from:
- The Shop
Order Operation Work Guidelines page, select the subtask/s and
then click Digital Inspection Sign
Off. To open this page, select an operation on the Shop
Order/Operation tab and click Work
- The Shop Order Work Guidelines page, select the
subtask/s and click Digital Inspection Sign
- The Shop Floor
Workbench page, select an operation, expand the operation and select
a guideline on the Guidelines tab. Select the subtask/s and
click Digital Inspection Sign
- The Operation Guide assistant, for the selected operation,
in the Instructions and Subtasks section. Select the
subtask/s and
click Digital Inspection Sign
User/Employee signing off the work guideline/s must have a YubiKey with
required certificates set up as per the link.
The user signed into the application and the YubiKey user must be the same user.
When signing off from Shop Floor Workbench, the user logged into the application, and the employee logged into the shop floor workbench, and the YubiKey user must all be the same.
The Use Digital Signature option must be enabled in the
Site/Manufacturing/General tab for the specific type of shop order for which the work guideline is being signed off.
- A work guideline of type Subtask must have been connected to the
- If the Sign Off Required has been set to Required to Close
Operation the
subtask must have been signed off.
- The operation must not be in status Planned.
- The shop order must not be in status Planned, Parked,
or Closed.
- If an employee qualification requirement exists for the subtask and
the qualification check for the site is mandatory, then the employee
entered in the shop floor workbench must have those qualifications to sign
off the subtask.
System Effects
The subtask will be inspection signed off using the current User ID and
Signature including a PDF document and an XML file with inspection sign off
details are created from IFS/Signature Service and get attached to the
Digital Signature panel in the attachments of the operation.
The signature gets attached to the operation that the work guideline belongs