Receive Multilevel Repair Shop Order
You can receive the repaired part into the inventory
from a multilevel repair shop order.
- This activity requires that a shop order product
exists ready to be received.
- Parent parts must have been completely issued.
- All the serial tracked components must have been completely issued
and other components must be at least reserved.
- If the part is lot/batch, but not serial tracked, an as-built
structure must not already exist for the received lot/batch number,
W/D/R number and revision number combination.
System Effects
- This activity results in the parent part being received into the
- The following changes take place in the old as-built structure data.
- If any component is salvaged (due to a remove or replace repair
action) in the repair, then those component quantities will be
marked in the old as-built structure as removed.
- If any component (that exists in the old as-built structure) is
added in the new as-built structure, then it will also be marked in
the old as-built structure as removed.
- A new as-built structure is created as follows:
- If the parent part is lot/batch-tracking-enabled, then the lot
batch number reserved in the shop order is used for each of the
lot/batch-tracking-enabled components.
- As-built revision is incremented by 1 for all the serial-tracked
parent parts.
- Any of the structure components along with their sub assemblies
are excluded if they have been defined as Remove,
Replace, Not Present, or Salvage.
- All the components added through Add, Replace,
Install and repair actions are included. Exception:
Components added with Add as the repair action and Exclude
from As-Built structure enabled will not be added to
the new as-built structure.
- If there were structure changes defined, then the part revision
is saved for parent parts as given.
- You can view the new as-built structure created on the
As-Built Structure