Define Labor Class


This activity is used to define a labor class and the resources for a labor class. Labor classes are used for capacity planning, representing groups of labor, such as machine operators. Capacity calculation can be based on individuals or groups. For large groups, it is recommended to use the group as a base for calculation and scheduling in order to enhance the performance of the system. This is especially important when scheduling with Advanced Planning Board (APB) since all possible resource combinations will be evaluated.

The labor class can also be used for planning maintenance and project activities in Resource Management. When APB, or MSO is used for operation scheduling, labor class will also act as a constraint for operations (similar to work centers, tools, and materials). APB will load labor classes and connected persons and use them as constraints when scheduling operations.

For this activity use the Manufacturing Labor Class page to enter and maintain labor classes and the resources for a labor class.

On the Manufacturing Labor Class page use the Persons tab to define the persons for a labor class. Persons entered here are considered as resources in this labor class. To be able to report on shop order operations as well as indirect jobs, they also need to be defined as shop floor employees. Use the Groups tab to define the parameters to be used to calculate the capacity of the group. These parameters are only used when Capacity Calc Base is set to Group. You can use the Costs tab to define the labor and overhead costs for a labor class, the Capacity tab to view labor capacity for the labor class, and the Utilization Statistics tab to analyze how the labor class hours have been utilized.

To view the capacity for the labor class, you must have defined at least one person or group resource quantities and calculated labor capacity for the site. The capacity is shown per workday, both as theoretical and available capacity. The available capacity is the theoretical capacity multiplied by the utilization of  the resource. If a person is a part of several groups, the same utilization applies to all groups. You can view information about the actual, estimated and capacity hours per accounting period in the Utilization Statistics tab.

The Manufacturing Labor Classes page can be used to view, edit, enter, or delete labor classes.  


To use a capacity calculation based on individuals, persons need to be registered. If the person is already registered as a resource, the associated data is used. A person may be blocked or hidden as a person but still valid as a resource. In that case, it is still possible to connect the person to the labor class.

If capacity calculation is based on group, no persons need to be registered.

System Effects