Define Alternate Components


This activity is used to define the alternate components for a part. You can register as many alternate components as you wish, but you must define the order in which the alternate components should be used.
Each alternate component can be defined to be valid depending on three different parameters:

The Qty per Component represents the ratio between the main component and the alternate, e.g., the standard structure calls for 2 of Part-X, which can correlate to 4 of Part-Y when Part-Y is used as a substitute. If the main and/or alternate component is serial tracked, this value must be 1.

When backflushing in Production Schedule, alternate components will be used as the first choice according to the sequence no order if no reservations have been made

On Shop Order, the component part can be configured to automatically be replaced with alternate component(s) when the material line is automatically reserved, else the usage of alternate component is an active choice by the material planner.

Use the Alternate Component page to predefine alternate components to be used in place of standard components in the product structure.

Use the Alternate Components page to study all alternates registered in the system for all sites.

An alternate component set as Primary will be visible on component lines of the main component in Remanufacturing type product structures and shop orders. Only one alternate component can be primary for a given parent part and date.


The part for which you want to define an alternate component must have been entered in the inventory part register. The part you want to use as an alternate component must also have been entered in the inventory part register.

System Effects

The system can use the alternate components in place of the standard components in different structures. This allows the planning and manufacturing processes to temporarily use a different set of components, whether for a period of time, certain quantity, or particular structures.