Alternate Components in MRP


Alternate components represent parts that can replace the main part that is registered in various types of product structures. These alternates can be valid for specific structure types, specific time intervals, and defined parent parts only. When executing a shop order the main component can be replaced by valid alternates. Also, in MRP valid alternates can be considered.

Control Parameters for Alternate Components in MRP

Control parameters determine the conditions for using alternates in MRP:

In the Perform Site MRP dialog

On Alternate Component page

Alternate Component Logic in MRP

If the Plan Alternate Component is selected when ordering an MRP, the logic for using alternate components kick in. Otherwise, MRP will only consider the main component in each structure and order.

For each component demand, MRP will find all possible replacement alternates according to the control parameters described above. Depending on the MRP Netting Use setting the logic for replacement will be different.

If MRP Netting Use = Consume after the main component, the substitution sequence will be according to the following:

  1. Available stock on hand for the main component will be used.
  2. Existing non-pegged open supplies (e.g. Purchase Orders or Shop Orders) for the main component will be used, no matter the planned receipt date. MRP will suggest these orders to be moved to meet the required dates.
  3. Available stock on hand for the alternate component.
  4. Existing non-pegged open supplies (e.g. Purchase Orders or Shop Orders) for the alternate component. These will only be used if the planned receipt date is the same or earlier than the demand date. MRP will not suggest moving existing orders for alternate components.
  5. Create order proposals (Purchase or Manufacturing) for the main component.

If MRP Netting Use = Consume before the main component, the substitution sequence will be according to the following:

  1. Available stock on hand for the alternate component will be used.
  2. Existing non-pegged open supplies (e.g. Purchase Orders or Shop Orders) for the alternate component will be used, if the planned receipt date is the same or earlier than the demand date.
  3. Available stock on hand for the main component.
  4. Existing non-pegged open supplies (e.g. Purchase Orders or Shop Orders) for the main component. MRP will suggest these orders to be moved to meet the required dates
  5. Create order proposals (Purchase or Manufacturing) for the main component.

Note that MRP never creates any new supplies for the alternates based on net requirements for the main component.