Cancel Purchase Order or Line
By clicking Status and then Cancel on the
purchase order, you can cancel an entire purchase order. On the
Part Lines tab, you can cancel lines by first selecting one or
several lines followed by clicking Status and then
Cancel. After selecting Cancel, a dialog appears
where a cancellation cause can be entered. It can be used for statistical and
clean up purposes.
If any of the purchase order lines originates from a purchase requisition,
you have to decide whether the corresponding requisition lines should be re-opened.
If the requisition lines originates from Project
or Project Delivery, the requisition lines
will be automatically re-opened when the purchase order is cancelled. A message
will be displayed at any of the following occurrences:
- If only the purchase order line is connected to a project activity and
not the purchase requisition line.
- If only the purchase requisition line is connected to a project activity
and not the purchase order line.
- If the purchase order line and the purchase requisition line are connected
to different project activities, and the purchase requisition line is re-opened.
If the purchase order line is an MRO line (demand code MRO), the connection
between the work order and the purchase order is removed when canceling the
- The purchase order must be in status Planned, Released, Stopped
or Confirmed.
- The purchase order line must be in either Released or Confirmed
- When canceling an order line, the order line must be selected.
- You must first remove any existing peggings from the purchase order
line to be able to cancel the order or the line.
- If the order line is for an exchange part and a customer order has been
created for the delivery of the exchange component, both the purchase order
line and the connected customer order line must have a status that allows
- If the order line is a rental line and if there exists rental events,
then the events should exist to cancel out each other. In other words, there
should not be any open events or transactions.
System Effects
- The status is updated to Cancelled when the operation is done.
- The status of any re-opened requisition lines will be updated to Released.
If the entire requisition was in status Closed, the status will be
updated to Released. The references in the cancelled purchase order
will be removed.
- The status of any re-opened order quotation line(s)
will be updated to Approved. The references in the canceled
purchase order, in the order quotation will be removed.
- If the order line is for an exchange part and a customer order has been
created for the delivery of the exchange component, both the purchase order
line and the customer order line will be cancelled.
- If the purchase order line is an MRO line (demand code MRO), the connection
between the work order and the purchase order is removed when canceling
the line.
- If the purchase order line is a CRO line (demand code Component Repair
order), the connection between the Component Repair Order and the purchase
order is removed when canceling the line.