Send Purchase Order
If you are using the EDI message function, you can send a purchase order message
to the supplier by using Send Order on the purchase order. You can use this function to re-send the purchase order message
as well.
When a purchase order is sent for a package part with the supply code
Internal Purchase Direct or Purchase Order Direct,
the package part structure in the external customer order line will be
transferred through the EDI message.
- Basic data for the EDI message function must have been set up in IFS/Connectivity.
- You must have entered data for EDI for the applicable supplier on
- The purchase order must be in Released status.
- The supplier's part number must have been entered for
existing no part order lines.
System Effects
- The Communicated option is enabled, indicating that the
purchase order is sent via EDI to the supplier.
- For purchase order lines pegged to a customer
order line having the supply code Internal Purchase Direct or
Purchase Direct, the delivery information not saved on the purchase
order line will be taken from the pegged customer order line e.g. route,
customer calendar.