By using the centralized purchasing functionality, you can convert purchase requisitions into purchase orders that belong to a different site than the requisition (central purchase orders).
When you convert a requisition to a purchase order, you have the option of manually placing the order line in a purchase order that belongs to a site different than the requisition's site and select whether Part Pricing is Demand Site or Purchasing Site. You can still use the three options: you can let the system add requisition lines to the first available purchase order or orders, add the requisition lines to a given purchase order, or create a new purchase order.
If you have defined centralized basic data for the Purchase Requisition Site(Demand Site) which is valid for the site date, Central Order option is enabled, site and Part Pricing values are fetched according to the defined centralized basic data in the site level where you can create Centralized order as per the defined values.
The prerequisites are the same as when converting requisitions into purchase orders on the same site:
The selected purchase requisition lines are converted into a purchase order, which belongs to a different site (the purchase site). The status on the requisition header is updated from Released/Authorized to Closed when all requisition lines are converted. The requisition line status is updated to PO Created.
In the resulting purchase order lines, the Site field will be the demand site (where the requisition was placed). The address on the purchase order line will be the default delivery address for the demand site.
When you convert a requisition into a central purchase order, the requisition information is copied to the purchase order. This includes pre-postings, internal destination, and any notes tied to the requisition. The price information is retrieved from the supplier for purchase part relationship on the purchasing site or the demand site according to the selected part pricing in Requisition to Order Assistant.
If procurement clause phrases are generated for the purchase requisition line, connections are regenerated for the created purchase order line considering the site where purchase requisition was placed. If procurement clause phrases of the purchase requisition line are manually created or edited, same connections are made for the purchase order line created.
Eventually the Centralized Order label on the resulting purchase order Header and Part Pricing Label as Demand Site or Purchasing Site on the order details tab will be shown
If the Create Postings in Purchasing Company option is enabled for a valid period under Site/Sales and Procurement/Procurement/Centralized Order Defaults, when you convert a requisition into a central purchase orde, created Purchase Order, Purchase Order Part Lines and Purchase Order No Part Lines will be flagged as Dual Company Procurement lines. Pre-postings will be not inherited from purchase requisition lines to Dual Company Procurement flagged order lines.