This activity is used to edit shop order specific control plan lines. This optional task is to be performed by production engineers or production planners.
You can add, modify, or delete shop order specific control plan lines by updating the data on the Control Plan Lines tab.
To approve the changes made, click Approve Modification.
This activity contains a security checkpoint that can be activated by an administrator. With an activated security checkpoint on a function, you will have to re-authenticate yourself in order to fulfill the function. Additionally, whenever a security checkpoint is successfully passed a security checkpoint log is written, creating an audit trail of action taken.
A control plan for manufacturing must be in Active status for the part or shop order.
As a result of this activity, the control plan used for a specific shop order can be modified.
If a control plan line is modified, the Modified By and the Modified fields will display the name of the user who modified the item and the date on which it was performed respectively.