Arrival Registration

General Information

All receipt lines must be entered as arrived, and this is done in theĀ Register Arrivals. This applies to orders related to inventory parts, non-inventory registered purchase parts, and parts without part numbers. However, an exception exists for receipt lines with the demand code Customer Order Direct, which are entered through the direct delivery function.

Each line on the arrival registration page corresponds to an order number, line number, and release number. Briefly, each line on the source order is displayed separately.

Report Arrival

The arrival registration is performed in different dialogs depending on whether the parts are serial handled and whether serial numbers will be defined at the arrival registration or at a later time. If you are handling serial handled parts and have decided to postpone the serial numbering, you should enter the arrival by using the dialog for parts without serial numbers. It is possible to split the arrival into several locations.

Some of the indicated data can be changed directly on the receipt line or in the corresponding dialog. Information, such as receive case, can be changed. The receive case originates from the source order. When changing from a receive case without inspection to one with inspection, you also must specify a quantity to inspect.

Users can either process one line at a time or select multiple lines to receive them simultaneously. The quantity arrived is defaulted to the same as the quantity on the source order line. User can decrease the quantity and enter a partial arrival. According to any over delivery check, user can also increase the quantity arrived. On receipt lines with inventory parts, the system suggests a destination location. For shipment orders with receiver type Site and purchase orders, this can be an adequate default location entered on the inventory part, a default location entered on the site, or the latest used location. For shipment orders with receiver type Remote Warehouse, this can be an adequate default location entered on the remote warehouse, or the latest used location for the remote warehouse. If no default location is entered, the location latest used is indicated. If the inventory or non-inventory registered part on the receipt line uses order-based lot/batch tracking, the lot/batch number is automatically generated at the arrival registration.

When the arrival registration is done, the status on the receipt line varies depending on the receive case used.

Report Arrival with Serials

When entering arrivals with serials, the system automatically displays in the dial any reserved or automatically generated serial numbers. Any reserved serial numbers are primarily used. You also can specify serial numbers manually or use the sequence generator. In the sequence generator, you can indicate prefixes and/or suffixes to your number series. When the serial tracking is activated, it is mandatory to specify serial numbers during the arrival or later on in the receipt flow. You can split the arrival into several locations by indicating a different destination location for specific serial numbers.

Serial Tracking

The system contains a part serial catalog wherein all part numbers with a serial number are stored. Notice that parts with a reserved serial number are not stored in this catalog. Each combination of part number and serial number is represented here, and each combination is referenced as an individual. An individual is unique and can be represented only in the system at one place at a time. When parts are serial numbered in the receipt function, individuals are created in the part serial catalog.

To enable serial tracking, you must activate both the Inventory Serial Tracking and After Delivery Serial Tracking in the IFS/Part Catalog. The serial rule is also decided in this component. It determines how to generate serial numbers. There are two types of serial rules:

This example would give 10 serial numbers: ABC110DEF, ABC111DEF, ABC112DEF, ABC113DEF, ABC114DEF, ABC115DEF, ABC117DEF, ABC120DEF, ABC121DEF, ABC122DEF.

Serial numbers can be reserved by clicking Serial Reservation on the purchase order line. Users can create a sequence of numbers and add prefixes and suffixes (both numerical and alphanumerical).

When the serial tracking is activated, it is mandatory to specify serial numbers either during the arrival or in the receipt flow. The part then always has a serial number in inventory and throughout the life cycle.

Non-inventory Parts and No-number Parts

On receipt lines with non-inventory registered parts and no-number parts without any inspection demands, the receipt is completed when the arrival registration is done. This is because they cannot belong to any inventory location. If an inspection demand is present, the inspection results must be entered before the receipt is completed.

Arrival Report

The arrival report can be printed in connection with the arrival registration. It is used as an internal document that can follow the arrived goods. It can also be used as a test report at inspection. The arrival report can be printed anywhere in the receipt flow. The following information will be printed on the report:

Create a Purchase Order from Arrival

Users have the option to create a new purchase order directly from the arrival registration page. This feature can be useful when goods arrive without any prior order from the company, such as when a supplier refills a consignment stock located in the warehouse. In such cases, users won't have a corresponding purchase order line afterward. Once a purchase order line is created, users can proceed to enter the arrival in the usual manner.

Note: Based on the option Use Actual Delivery Date for Currency Rates in Arrival Postings setting on Company/ Supply Chain Information/Procurement/General, users can consider the currency rate on arrival date or delivery date for purchasing and inventory transactions.