Report Arrival of Partial Shipment


All receipt lines must be entered as arrived and, and when using dispatch advice, this action is performed in the Register Partial Shipment Arrivals page. This includes orders concerning inventory parts and non-inventory parts.

Partial receipts can be entered for a receipt line that is partially delivered by the sender. Some of the indicated data can be changed directly on the receipt line or in the corresponding dialog. It is also possible to split the receipt line into several locations. Users can either process one line at a time or select several lines and receive them all together. In the dialog, any mistakenly selected lines can be removed. It should be noted that a receipt reference must be entered when using the automated invoicing function (self-billing). Adjustments to some data on the receipt line are also possible.

The arrival registration is performed in different dialogs, depending on whether the parts are serial handled and whether serial numbers will be defined at the arrival registration or later. If the sender's serial numbers for the parts are included in the message, identification of which individual parts are included in the shipment is possible. If serial handled parts are being managed and serial numbering is postponed, the arrival should be entered using the dialog for parts without serial numbers. Note that if serial numbering is postponed until after the parts have been entered as arrived, the supplier's serial numbers cannot be used. If they are to be used, serial numbering must be done at the arrival registration.

Customs declaration information and country of origin will be picked up from the dispatch advice message, but can be changed in the receipt process.

Adjustments to the quantity can be done either by increasing or decreasing. However, be aware that the over-delivery check may have been activated for the purchase part. If the quantity is increased and exceeds the over delivery tolerance, a warning message will appear.


System Effects

The inventory registered parts are entered as arrived. The dispatch advice part lines acquires the status Arrived. The dispatch advice acquires the status Partially Arrived. The receipt line status is different, depending on the receive case:

For non-inventory registered parts:

When receiving a shipment order that is used to move purchased parts between different arrival and QA locations i.e. a shipment order line having demand code purchase receipt:

If a purchase order is received and this originates from a customer order, the customer order is updated with the quantity that has been reported upon the receipt. This is valid for both inventory and non-inventory parts.

When using the automated invoicing function (self-billing), the supplier invoice is generated when the arrival is entered in the system. The receipt reference that you have entered is used as the invoice number. The supplier invoice is based on the quantity received, i.e., the received quantity, and the purchase price is used to calculate the invoice amount. A separate invoice line is created for each receipt line having the same receipt reference. The invoice is automatically matched and ready to be paid. All automatically created invoices can be viewed in Self-billing Invoice Analysis. In this page you can study any error text.

The customs declaration information and country of origin is stored per receipt and if the part is lot batch tracked it is also stored per part lot batch.

If a purchase order is received for an outside operation, the remaining quantity for the outside operation is decreased by the arrived quantity in the Shop Order/Operations tab. The operation history transaction is updated.

For inventory registered purchase parts, postings are created with the debit posting type M1, Inventory, and the credit posting type M10, Goods receipt with purchase order. For non-inventory parts, no postings are created until the invoice matching is done.

For shipment orders, postings are created with the debit type posting M1, Inventory, and the credit posting type M5, Receipt without Purchase Order.

When the arrival is made with consignment stock management, postings are created with debit posting type M60, Consignment stock, and the credit posting type M61, consignment stock receipt.

When the arrival is made and the charge/no charge function is used, the accountings are the following:

Based on the option   Use Actual Delivery Date for Currency Rates in Arrival Postings setting on Company/ Supply Chain Information/Procurement/General, users can consider modifying the Actual Delivery Date on Receive dialogue when reporting the arrival of partial shipment. This will decide whether to take the currency rate on arrival date or delivery date for purchasing and inventory transactions.