Report Arrival of Handling Unit


This activity is used to receive handling units attached to an incoming dispatch advice. This can be performed on the Incoming Dispatch Advice page and the Handling Units In Incoming Dispatch Advice page.

Only handling units with structure level 1 (top level) can be recieved. Multiple top-level handling unit lines can be received connected to a single Incoming Dispatch Advice message ID.


System Effects

The handling unit is received at a picking, arrival or QA location.

The inventory parts are entered as arrived. The receipt line status varies depending on the location:

For non-inventory registered purchase parts and no-number parts:

When receiving a shipment order that is used to move purchased parts between different arrival and QA locations i.e. a shipment order line having demand code purchase receipt:

Note: Based on the option Use Actual Delivery Date for Currency Rates in Arrival Postings setting on Company/ Supply Chain Information/Procurement/General, users can consider modifying the Actual Delivery Date on Incoming Dispatch Advice Header/ Lines. This will decide whether to take the currency rate on arrival date or delivery date for purchasing and inventory transactions.