A Request can be initiated in Service Management via the New Request Assistant with the following starting options:
You can start the request logging process by selecting either a Customer, Contact, Reported Item or the Location and address of where the service are going to be performed. In every Request, you will be asked to enter other required data (Service, Service Organization) after entering one of above fields.
At least one User Access Group must be defined for the Service Organization to create a Request. In the New Request assistant, you can select a Service Delivery Unit. The creator of the Request, the users in the User Access Group(s) linked to the Service Organization, and the Service Delivery Unit can view the created Request. The User Access Groups can be modified from the Request and Task Access Control assistant.
To select a Contract Line the user must have access to either the Sales Site or Service Organization of the Request Contract.
If an object is set and the object is connected to a Location, the Location will be set, but can be overridden with another existing location, a new location or a one-off address.
The Location list will include both locations of category Customer and Location. It is also possible to define a brand new location by using the "New Location" toggle.
It is possible to leave the location blank.
It is possible to enter a one-off address manually, by clicking on the pen icon in the address field. It is important to note that if a one-off address is added, is is not possible to create "To Service Location" tasks later in the process.
If an object is set, the Warranty field will be enabled and be filtered according to the selected object.
The Service Organization will be set to the default Service Organization from the Service.
When a Service Organization is set, the default Service Delivery Unit of that Service Organization will be pre-selected.
If you change or clear the Customer field, all values in the assistant will be cleared.
As a result of entering the Customer first, the default customer contact will be populated and the Service and Contract fields will be enabled and the values in Contact, Object and Contract will be filtered based on the selected Customer.
Entering the Model in the Reported Item section will filter the values in the Object list. Entering the Object will filter the Service and Contract fields.
Entering a Service will filter the Object and Contract fields. The Contract will be set if only one valid record is available for the entered combination.
If you enter a Contract Line the values in Model, Object and Service will be filtered based on the valid options for the Contract. If you enter a Contract line, either a Model or an Object will have to be entered before creating the request.
If you enter an existing Location, the Object will be filtered based on the Location ID.
If both the Service and Object is set, and a valid warranty exists for the combination, the Warranty with the closest expiration date will automatically be set. A contract and a warranty cannot be applied together.
As a result of entering the Object first, the Service and Contract fields are enabled and the values in Service and Contract will be filtered based on the Object selected.
Entering a Service, the Contract will be filtered based on the service and will automatically be set, if only one valid record is available for the entered combination.
If both the Service and Object is set, and a valid warranty exists for the combination, the Warranty with the closest expiration date will be set. A contract and a warranty cannot be applied together.
If you enter the Contract, the Service values will be filtered according to the Contract.
As a result of entering the Contact first, the Customer field will be set and then follow the steps from Start from Customer.
As a result of entering the Location and Address first, the values in the Object field will be filtered by the Location and Address. If the location is linked to a Customer, the customer will be set automatically and the Service and Contract fields will be enabled.
The next step depends on the next value set, and is covered above.