Create Request


Use this activity to create a Request for a Service.

When a customer has a need for a service, you as the contact agent for the customer and working with the service provider, can create a Request to allow the service provider organization to start working to fulfill the customer requirement.

When creating a Request, you can specify the Customer, enter the caller who is the contact person for the customer on this Request, and add a Description about the details of the requirement. If the caller is not already in the system when the Request is being created, then a new customer contact can be added to the Request.

You can then select a pre-defined Service that will fulfill the customer requirement and further select the Service Organization that will provide the required Service. If required, you can specify which Service Delivery Unit is responsible for the execution of the service work. You can also specify the Location where the Service is required as well as enter some information relating to how the Request should be classified in terms of its Priority, Severity, and Importance. If the caller is not certain of the customer information in your system you can also start by selecting the address where the service needs to be provided. If required, "New Location" toggle can be enabled to create a new location in the system. Additionally, users have the option to define a One - Off address as well. it's important to note that if a One-Off address is used to initiate the request, it will not be possible to create "To Service Location" tasks.

If customer’s equipment with the service need is known, you can specify the Reported Item (Model or Object) details as well (if there is a location connected to an Object, it will be automatically fetched to the Location and Address fields while having the possibility to override) and select any active Contracts that are covering that equipment or a warranty that is covering that equipment and service.

Based on Customer's choice, Urgency can be defined for the Request. This will affect on SLA and pricing.

Media items such as text files or images can also be attached to the Request during the request creation process.


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