About Resource Requirements


Resource requirements can be defined as a set of criteria on the resource group which all connected individual resources of that group must fulfill to be considered valid for carrying out work in the group. This will ensure consistency between the resources in the resource group and give resource planners and dispatchers confidence that the resources have the valid competencies, certificates, licenses or other characteristics that may be required when planning and allocating resources for different jobs.

The requirements are defined on the resource group and checked against all connected individual resources for a specific period. Resource individuals can fulfill these requirements by having the corresponding value defined for the particular requirement. This could, for example, be a specific competency, certificate or other criteria that is important for the resources in the specific resource group. The result of this check is presented as a requirement fulfilled status. Monitor the requirement fulfilled status and take the necessary actions to ensure all individual resources fulfill the requirements.

Define Resource Requirements

Define resource requirements on the resource group using one of these pages; Resource Details/Requirements, Service Resource Details/Requirements, Resource Requirements or Resource Requirements Analysis/Requirements pages.

Select a Requirements Source, Requirement and Requirement Value and an operator value. The selected requirement source will subsequently impact the available fields and the values that can be used in those fields.

Resource Requirement Sources

Resource requirements are defined using data from different sources. The sources are system-defined, and available sources depend on the installed components. The selected source determines what information can be defined for that requirement. The current solution offers the possible sources: Resource Attributes, HCM Competencies and HCM Certificates, Skills, Number of Crew Members.

If the requirement source is Resource Attributes, then the attributes defined in Resource Attribute Manager including associated list values, can be defined as requirements. The individual resource must have that same attribute - and attribute value, defined on the resource to fulfill the requirement.

The requirement sources HCM Competency and HCM Certificates (Competency and Certificates in Human Capital Management) are available only if this module is installed. These sources allow selecting competencies and certificates, including the level if it has been defined as basic data in HCM. The individual resource must have the equivalent companies and/or certificates, including level if defined, in order to fulfill the requirement.

Note that the logged-in user monitoring the fulfillment of requirements must have access to the HCM Competencies and Certificates defined for the resources in the resource group. Otherwise, these will be evaluated as not being fulfilled.

If the requirement source is Skills, then skill type is the requirement grouping functionality and Skill Level becomes the Requirement Value. If a skill is defined without any level since Requirement Value is mandatory in defining requirements can make use of the * (Any Value) operator to define requirements without any value.

Requirement Operators

The Operator allows to further detail the conditions on the requirements. When entering a new record, the default value is set to = (Equal To), but can be updated to any other operator in the value list. Requirements with an operator value that compares list values against each other, such as > (Greater Than) or < (Less Than), require the list values to have an associated grading. If no such grading exist, the requirements will be evaluated alphanumerically.

For requirements with static requirements values, the operator will be automatically set to = (Equal To) and requirement value Obtained. An example would be an HCM Certificate where no Levels are applicable to the certificate. 

The following is an example of how the operator and requirement values are evaluated:

Example: Welder with list values: Elementary, Advanced and Expert.

Requirement Source Requirement Operator Requirement Value Requirement fulfilled for resources with value: Explanation
HCM Competency Welder > (Greater Than) Elementary Advanced and Expert The competency levels defined in HCM are associated with points that are used in the evaluation. Advanced and Expert have higher points and are therefore "greater than" Elementary.
Resource Attributes Welder > (Greater Than) Elementary Expert There are no points or grading associated with the list values for resource attributes, therefore they are evaluated alphanumerically. This could be handled by giving the list values a numeric prefix, such as:
1. Elementary, 2. Advanced, 3 Expert. With such a list, the result would be the same as in the HCM Competency example.
Resource Attributes Welder = (Equal To) Elementary Elementary Equal to is the default operator value and requires the exact requirement and requirement value specified to be fulfilled by the resource.
Skills Welder * (Any Value)     * (Any Value) denotes that skill level is not considered for the fulfillment of requirements. So having welder as merely a skill (with or without levels) is sufficient for the fulfillment.

Monitor Requirements Fulfillment

All individual resources are checked against requirements that may exist on the connected resource group for a specific time period. This check results in a requirement fulfillment status that can be monitored using the Resource Requirements Analysis page or Parents Per Resources page. A resource connected to multiple resource groups could fulfill the requirements of one group but not another.

Requirements for a Defined Time Period

The default period for which requirements are checked is defined as offset parameters in the Resource Analysis Demand Snapshot field Resource Basic Data page. In addition, it is possible to adjust the period for which the requirements are evaluated by selecting the dates in the Requirements Date Interval fields in the Resource Requirements Analysis page.

This means a requirement could periodically be fulfilled or unfulfilled for a resource.

Resource Requirements Fulfilled Status

The fulfillment of requirements can be checked from the view of the resource group, for each individual resource, and per requirement of a particular resource group.

The requirements fulfillment statuses for the defined time period are as follows: