Customer Agreement Cross Reference tab is available to insert unique free text identifiers for each Customer Schedule Agreement. These customer agreement cross references can be added when the customer schedule agreement is in Active, Negotiated or Planned status only. You can add multiple customer agreement cross references for a single customer schedule agreement, but the same customer agreement cross reference cannot be connected to customer schedule agreements in any status which are connected to the same customer. All the customer agreement cross references connected to the customer schedule agreement are valid for the connected Customer Schedule Agreement Parts.
Customer Schedule Agreement can be created and activated for the same customer with and without customer agreement cross references. However, if there is a customer schedule agreement part connected to the customer schedule agreement and that particular customer schedule agreement is linked to the customer agreement cross reference, then it is not allowed to activate the customer schedule agreement part connected to the customer schedule agreement which is not linked to the customer agreement cross reference created for the same customer.
If there is a customer schedule agreement part connected to the customer schedule agreement that already includes customer agreement cross references, you cannot delete or modify the existing customer agreement cross references. However, you have the option to add new customer agreement cross references to the customer schedule agreement when it is in the Planned, Active or Negotiated status.