Cancel Customer Order
You can cancel an entire customer order by using Cancel command in the Status
menu. A requirement for this operation is that no pick list has been created
for any of the order lines. If there are rental lines on the customer order
a requirement is that no rental events have been created.
If you only want to cancel a customer order line, use Cancel Order Line command.
A customer order line can be cancelled until the pick list is created.
When an order line or entire order has been cancelled, it receives the status
Cancelled, and no further transactions can be performed.
When an order line associated with the Production Schedule supply code is
cancelled, the resulting implications of such a cancellation will need to be
handled by you manually, since a pegging relationship between the customer order
and production schedule is not maintained.
If you enter a Package Part in the customer order line
with the supply code Internal Purchase Direct or
Purchase Order Direct, the customer order cannot be cancelled or
closed from the component level in both external and internal customer
For an entire customer order:
- The customer order header must have been entered and saved before you
can cancel the order header.
For a customer order line:
- The customer order line must have been entered and saved before you
can cancel the order line.
- If the order line is for an exchange part, both the purchase order line
and the connected customer order line must have a status that allows canceling.
- For rental lines no open rental events must exist.
- The customer order line should only have a connection to pack size charge
type charge line in the
Customer Order/Charges
tab. If a connection is available to any other type of a charge line,
the charge line will have to be deleted first.
For a pegged customer order line:
- You can cancel a pegged customer order line at any time before creating
the pick list, irrespective of the status of the pegged supply orders. Parts
should not be configurable.
- If you want to be able to simultaneously cancel the pegged supply order
as you cancel the customer order line, additional prerequisites apply. Please
refer to the activity Replicate Changes to Pegged Orders.
System Effects
- The status is updated to Canceled and no further transactions
can be performed.
- If the customer order line was reserved, this transaction will delete
the reservations.
- If the customer order line(s) have connected charge line(s), these will
be removed automatically. Charge lines not connected to customer order lines
will remain.
- If the order line is for an exchange part, both the purchase order line
and the customer order line will be cancelled.
- If the order line is for a part which uses the Production Schedule supply
code, you would receive an information message indicating that a connected
Production Schedule exists for the line and therefore will not be cancelled
or removed.
- If the customer order line is pegged and you have specified to replicate
the cancellation to the supply order, the pegged supply order will be cancelled
simultaneously. Please refer to the activity Replicate Changes to Pegged
Orders for more order specific systems effects.
- If the customer order line is pegged, but you have specified not to
replicate the cancellation to the supply order, the pegged supply order
will be un-pegged from the customer order line. The demand code on the supply
order will be set to Inventory Order or Non Inventory depending on the part
type. Note, if a purchase order was to be direct-delivered, no change of
demand code will be made.
- If the customer order line is pegged and connected to a project, but
you have specified either replicate or not to replicate the cancellation
to the supply order, the pegged supply order will be un-pegged from the
customer order line only when the supply codes of the customer order line
is “Purch Order Trans” and “Int Purch Trans”. The
demand code on the supply order will be set to Project Inventory or Non
Inventory depending on the part type.