Create Maintenance Order
This activity is used to manually create a maintenance order for a maintenance
visit. This supports the planning stage of a maintenance order, as the planners
of the visit can create the maintenance order for the visit at any time prior
to the actual visit occurring, and can add and remove events from the work package
(maintenance order) as the needs and requirements for the visit are firmed up
and established.
At creation, the maintenance order can be defined with just the workshop
and planned start and finish dates. Upon saving, the order will be set to the
New status and will represent an available maintenance slot without any
events yet being identified. As you plan the order in detail, events can be
added to or removed from the work scope as needed.
To create a maintenance order for a maintenance visit, open the New
Maintenance Order assistant and enter appropriate information.
- In the first step of the assistant, enter the required part revision
and serial number of the vehicle or component. This information is required
when setting the maintenance order to the Initial Scope Definition
- Enter the workshop that is to carry out the work. If a default workshop
is assigned to the current user, the workshop ID is displayed automatically.
Note: Often during the planning process, work is allocated to
be performed at a recommended workshop. However as the planning is firmed
up and established, the recommended workshop may not be available to support
the visit. Therefore, it is possible to change the workshop on the maintenance
order until the order is released or until material and resource demands
on the maintenance order are released.
- Specify the distribution type to use when distributing events on the
maintenance order. This information is required in order to connect events
to the maintenance order and to set the order to a status higher than
Initial Scope Definition.
- If the distribution type is set to Simplified Work Order,
the event is handled in IFS/Fleet and Asset Management although transactions
for the event are created automatically in IFS/Work Order Management.
These transaction records can be used when you want to track financial
transactions and record the consumption of material during a process.
If code part information is defined, this information will be retrieved
during the process.
- If the distribution type is set to Work Order, the event
is handled directly in IFS/Work Order Management. A work order is created
on the site to which the specified workshop belongs. A work task is
created for each task card and subtask on the event and connected resources,
material, and sign off requirements are transferred to the work task.
If parts included in the material list have a different unit of measure
(UoM) at the site on which the work order is created, the system will
automatically convert the current material quantity (displayed in IFS/Fleet
and Asset Management) into the quantity of the UoM on the site. The
converted material quantity can be viewed in the Work Task/Material
page and other pages where planned work task material is shown. If code
part information is defined on the serial, this information is transferred
to the work task. All financial transactions are retained on the work
- The Execution Logic Structure distribution type is used when
the work included on the maintenance order is to be grouped according
to predefined grouping criteria.
- Enter the progress template to use when calculating progress of the
work on corresponding work orders. If a default progress template is connected
to the site to which the specified workshop is connected, the ID of this
progress template is displayed automatically.
- Enter the ID of the customer for whom the maintenance visit is to be
performed. If the given serial is customer owned, the customer is displayed
- Define the contract type applicable for the
maintenance visit.
- Enter the ID of the service contract or the
heavy maintenance contract applicable for the visit. Only active service
contracts or heavy maintenance contracts valid for the customer and workshop
site can be connected. This is not applicable when the distribution type
is Simplified Work Order.
The connection to service contract or heavy maintenance contract can be
updated until the maintenance order is released.
- Enable the Create WO Structure option if a top work order should
be created for the maintenance order and all events connected to this top
work order in a work order structure. If the CREATE_WO_STRUCTURE
parameter is set to TRUE in the Object Properties page,
this option will be selected automatically for distribution types Work
Order and Execution Logic Structure. The default selection
can be changed when the distribution type is Work Order
only. For the other distribution types the default option cannot be changed
(i.e., disabled for Simplified Work Order and enabled for distribution type
Execution Logic Structure).
- Enable the Automatically Include Mx Event option if modification
events are to be automatically included on the maintenance order. Modifications
that are set to be done at the next visit in workshop or at the next interval
maintenance will be automatically included on the maintenance order when
an event for the same serial is included.
- Enable the Automatically Finish Order option if you want to automatically
finish the maintenance order when the last event connected to the order
is set to either the Finished or Cancelled status.
- Enter the required product model. The product model connected to the
top part revision will be displayed automatically.
- For maintenance orders with the Execution Logic Structure
distribution type, a grouping ID must be specified in order to set the order
to the Under Preparation status. Only active execution
logic structure templates can be connected.
- In the Order Dates area, the system date and time is displayed
automatically in the fields. For the plan/latest finish dates the date will
be set by calculating the system date + number of hours specified for object
property PLANNED_START_DATE. The default dates may be changed
during the planning stage.
Note: If you click
Next or Finish in this step, a maintenance
order will be created with the Initial Scope Definition
status. If you click Cancel after the maintenance order
has been created, the maintenance order will be removed. If the assistant
is terminated in the middle of the process, a maintenance order will still
be created, and you need to manually cancel it.
- In the second step of the assistant, you can assign maintenance event
to the maintenance order. To assign an event, select the event you want
to assign and click Assign selected events option. For
more information, refer the online help file
Add Events to Maintenance Order.
- In the third step of the assistant, you can assign convenience tasks
to the maintenance order. To assign a convenience task, select the relevant
record and click Assign selected convenience tasks option.
For more information, refer the online help file
Convenience Tasks to Maintenance Order.
- In the fourth step of the assistant, you can select one of the three
options given. Based on your selection maintenance order will be created
with the relevant status. If you select,
- Plan Maintenance Order: maintenance order will be
created with the Initial Scope Definition status.
- Prepare Maintenance Order: maintenance order will
be created with the Under Preparation status. For more
information, refer the online help file
Set Maintenance
Order to Under Preparation.
- Release Maintenance Order: maintenance order will
be Released and work orders will be created. If all validations
for releasing the maintenance order are not met, consider creating the maintenance
order in either the Under Preparation or Initial
Scope Definition status. For more information, refer the online
help file
Release Maintenance Order.
The New Maintenance Order assistant can also be
opened from the Maintenance Events per Serial Structure
page. In this page you can view information on the pending events that exist
for the selected top serial. You can also view events, for the top serial and
it's structure, that are currently assigned to a maintenance order (this includes
finished events that are connected to a maintenance order that is not yet finished).
- A workshop must be defined and you must have access to the workshop.
If a default workshop is assigned to the logged on user, this workshop will
be automatically retrieved.
- Depending on your selection, following prerequisites exist:
- The serial you want to create the maintenance order for must be
in either the In Operation or Out of Operation
- A progress template must be defined.
- The customer must be defined.
- A service contract or a heavy maintenance
contract must be in the Active status and valid
for the given customer and workshop site.
- The product model must be defined.
- The execution logic structure template must be in the Active
- To connect events to the maintenance order, the pending events and convenience
tasks must be generated.
- To assign the service contract and a valid vehicle service line to the
work orders/work tasks that will be generated when releasing the maintenance
order, a valid work type must be defined for the assigned events.
- If the maintenance order is to be released as part of this activity,
the resources and material on the task cards and subtasks (predefined for
the maintenance event codes) must be valid at the maintenance order site.
For resources, the site connection is set in the
Resource Detail/Connections/Site tab.
- If the maintenance order is to be released and pre-posting is required
on the work order, code part information must have been defined on the serial.
Code part information which consists of the cost center and object will
be retrieved from the serial for which the assigned event is generated,
for the applicable company. For more information, refer the online help
file Code Part
- If a modification event is supposed to result in a part identity change,
the new part number and revision for the serial assigned to and/or affected
by the modification must have been entered. For more information refer the
online help files
Part Revision to Modification and
Enter Affected
System Effects
- A maintenance order is created. Depending on your selection the maintenance
order may be created in the New, Initial Scope
Definition, Under Preparation or Released
- If the Create WO Structure option is enabled for the maintenance
order, a work order equivalent to the maintenance order will be created
in IFS/Work Order Management during event distribution. All work orders
(related to the events) will be automatically connected to this top work
order, i.e., a work order structure will be created in IFS/Work Order Management.
- Depending on your selection, events may be connected to the maintenance
order. The event is transformed from a pending event to a planned event
(i.e., the event belongs to a maintenance order which is in a planning status
such as Planned In Scope, Incomplete or Under Preparation)
or a running event.
- Documents connected to a maintenance event will be copied to the maintenance
order. Documents that are connected to task cards or subtasks will be distributed
to work tasks.
- The connected service contract or the heavy
maintenance contract will be used to find material ownership for
the material included on a maintenance order, based on the part provisioning
rules of the contract.
- The transferred material quantity is correct in accordance with the
UoM for the serial on the site.
- If a modification event leading to a part identity change is assigned
to the maintenance order and this modification has the Terminating Action
execution type, the assigned and/or affected serial will be renamed automatically
once the modification is embodied and will include the new part number and
revision. In order to successfully perform the rename of a serial, the new
part number and the revision for the serial must have been entered on the
modification (i.e., in the Change to Part Number and Change to
Part Revision fields). Furthermore, when the modification event (with
the Terminating Action execution type) is assigned to the maintenance
order, the system will perform a check to validate the following information:
- the new part number is a valid alternate of the old part number
(only valid if the serial that is to be renamed is installed in a structure)
- the maintenance program and maintenance group for the old part number
is valid for the new part number
- the manufacturer of the old part number is valid for the new part
number (i.e., when a new manufacturer and manufacturer part number have
not been entered)
A warning message is generated when the new part number
is not a valid alternate to the old part number of the serial (when the serial
is installed in a structure), and when the maintenance program and manufacturer
is not valid for the new part number. Note: These validations are also
performed when a new part number is entered for the assigned/affected part and
when the modification is activated.