
When handling outbound logistics with inventory parts, they need to be reserved and picked on a specific inventory location. Whenever the parts are reserved, a pick list needs to be created and printed in order to inform the packing staff of what and how much to pick for each specific source order requirement.

Pick list

Ordinary customer order pick lists are connected to a single order number. The pick lists for one order are created per location group. This means that one order can have a number of pick lists, one for every location group of the ordered parts. As an example, we consider an order for ten different parts. Three of the ordered parts belong to two different location groups. Two pick lists will be created for this particular order; one for every location group.

Depending on the order type a pick list can be manually or automatically created and printed.

Consolidated pick list for customer order / Consolidated pick list for Shipment (CO)

It is also possible to create consolidated (or collective) pick lists. A consolidated pick list is a way of grouping the pick list after certain selection criteria. This gives you the possibility to choose how your pick lists are to be consolidated, e.g., per receiver, specific areas of the warehouse, routes, ship periods etc.

The following criteria can be used for selection of which records to be included in the consolidated pick list for customer orders or consolidated pick list for shipment (CO):

The following criteria can be used for grouping the consolidated pick list for customer orders or consolidated pick lists for shipment (CO). Create one pick list for every:

If you, for example, want to create pick lists for all orders connected to a specific customer and have separate pick lists for each forward agent, you use the selection criteria Customer Number and group the pick lists by Forward Agent.

The basic consolidation on location groups and pallets, used when creating ordinary pick lists, are always used for consolidated pick lists as well. This means that you, in the previous example, will receive one pick list for every combination of customer - forward agent - location group, and one pick list for every combination of customer - pallet.

Consolidated pick list for Shipment (Non-CO)*

You can also create consolidated pick list for shipments which contains parts for requirements other than customer orders; for an example project deliverable items. This pick list will consist of all non-CO records connected to a shipment and will be created for every shipment.

*Non-CO means that the shipment lines connected to a source other than customer order. Eg: project deliverable shipment plan.

Print pick list

After a pick list has been created, it will be printed. For an ordinary pick list, the printing can be performed manually or automatically, depending on the order type that is used.

When you are creating a consolidated pick list, you can indicate if the pick lists should be printed automatically or manually. You can also indicate if shipment inventory should be used. These settings will apply for all source lines included in the consolidated pick list. This means that the settings regarding usage of shipment inventory and printing of the pick list overrides the order type shipment type settings for all included source lines.

Report picking

Once the parts are physically issued from the stock, the picking can be reported in the system. If the parts are not issued according to the pick list, you report picking with deviation. You can report picking with deviation regarding the location that the parts have been picked from, and regarding the quantity of the picked parts. It is also possible to "pick and pack", i.e. at picking attach quantity to a shipment handling unit without having it planned beforehand.

Depending on the order type/shipment type, the pick reporting can be done automatically, or manually. When you are using consolidated pick lists, the pick reporting is always performed manually unless it is a consolidated pick list for shipment (Non-CO).

Warehouse task, pick list

If the warehousing functionality is used, the pick list is replaced by a warehouse task. The pick reporting is then performed within the warehouse functionality. Warehousing functionality is not available for pick lists that are not connected to customer orders.