Deliver Shipment
This activity is used to deliver the shipment. When the shipment is
delivered, connected source lines acquire the Delivered status.
The status can vary depending on the source type.
You can perform a delivery on the shipment or on the consolidated shipment.
A consolidated shipment is defined as one departure of several shipments from
the specified site, to all the delivery addresses of the connected shipments.
This implies that a shipment connected to a consolidated shipment can only be
delivered from the consolidated shipment. If loading has not progressed
(Loading indicator of the consolidated shipment is in Not Started
state), this activity is only possible if
picking is reported and the shipment is already in the Complete status
for all shipments you intend to deliver. If loading has progressed,
this activity is only possible after finish loading the consolidated
shipment (Loading indicator of the consolidated shipment and connected
shipments are in Finished state) and the shipments that
intend to deliver are already in the Complete status.
For a shipment, if you no longer want
to deliver the entire quantity picked, it is possible to adjust the picked quantity
before delivery in four different ways: removal of shipment lines, reassignment
of shipment line quantities, reassignment of handling units, or adjustments
in the shipment inventory. Please note that if loading has progressed on
either source shipment or the destination shipment (Loading indicator for
the shipment is not in Not Started state), reassign will
not be allowed. Moreover, if the loading has finished (Loading indicator is
in Finished state for the source or/and destination
shipments), removal of lines and adjustments in the shipment inventory will
not be allowed. This means that if loading has progressed, changing of the
content of the consolidated shipment as well as loaded shipments will be
restricted in different levels at different states in loading process. In
addition, adjusting the picked quantity means that the content of the shipment is changed
and the handling unit structure and the documents must be reviewed again before
Note that delivery of a shipment can be done automatically in the shipment
flow if the shipment type allows this.
In addition, if the shipment type is configured to handle automatic receipt
of Shipment Order, then after Delivery a dispatch advice will be sent and the
incoming dispatch advice will be received automatically. This is especially
useful when parts in a shipment should be picked up at sender and delivery and
receipt should be executed in one step.
- When delivering a shipment not connected to any consolidated
shipment, the shipment must have the Complete status.
- When delivering shipments connected to a consolidated shipment, all
connected shipments must have the Complete status and a
shipment cannot be delivered individually.
- When delivering a consolidated shipment, all shipments connected to
the consolidated shipment must have the Complete state.
- The loading must not be in progress i.e. the loading indicator must
be either Not Started or
- For a shipment to be delivered automatically in the shipment flow, the
shipment type must have been defined accordingly.
- A shipment with a temporary receiver, i.e.. same site as sender and receiver,
is not allowed to deliver until the connected Pickup Task work assignment
has been started. At work assignment start, the receiver will be automatically
changed to the default remote warehouse for the task assignee. For such
shipment, it is later expected that the delivery should be triggered by
the completion of the work assignment.
- For a shipment order to be automatically received after shipment delivery,
setting Automatic Receipt must have been enabled for used
shipment type and message class DESADV set up on company level. If the receiver
is a remote warehouse, Default Receive Case for Inventory Part
and matching Default Location has to be configured. In
order to receive a No Part, a default arrival location must exist for the
remote warehouse.
System Effects
- The entire shipment will be considered as sent or delivered to the
receiver. Once
a shipment is delivered you cannot
connect any new
source lines.
- When a consolidated shipment is delivered all connected shipments are
considered as sent or delivered to the receiver.
- When shipments are delivered, the next event in the shipment flow will
be triggered if the shipment type allows this. Any optional events defined
to be executed at delivery in the shipment flow, will be triggered.
- For customer orders, when delivering an inventory part using delay cost
of sold goods to delivery confirmation, the cost of sale will not be recognized
at the time of shipment. Two new transactions will be created: DELCONF-OU
(M3/M1), and DELCONF-IN (M1/M3). When delivering a non-inventory part using
delay cost of sold goods to delivery confirmation, a transaction will not
be created when the parts are delivered.
- For purchase receipt return, when delivering an inventory part on return
rework the transaction RETWORK (M14/M1) and on return credit the transaction
RETCREDIT (M14/M1) will be created. When delivering a non-inventory part
or a no part on return rework the transaction NRETWORK (M91/M92) and on
return credit the transaction NRETCREDIT (M91/M92) will be created.
- For shipment order lines with inventory part; when delivering intra-site
the transaction SHIPODWHS- (M4/M1) will be created, and when delivering
inter-site the transactions SHIPODSIT- (M4/M1) and INTORDTR (M3/M4) will
be created. Shipment order lines with no part creates no transactions.
- If sales overhead costs are registered for the part, separate cost of
goods sold (COGS) bookings are created: SALES-OH (Debit M194 - cost of goods
sold, sales overhead, credit M190 - sales overhead).
- When a shipment is delivered, transactions and other source specific
steps are triggered in respective sources.
- If Automatic Receipt is enabled then the Shipment Order is received
and closed.
- If a loaded shipment is delivered, both 'Source Ref Type' and
'Source Ref 1' values of handling units and their child handling units,
that are connected to the shipment, will be moved to 'Handling Unit
History' Table. Then the source references will be modified as follows,