Remove/Modify/Reassign Shipment Lines


This activity is used to change the content of the shipment by either removing, modifying or reassigning the quantity of a shipment line. There are several situations where it may be necessary to remove a shipment line or adjust the quantity of a shipment line. The person responsible for the shipment may realize the need for removal, modification or addition of a line at any stage in the process, including just before loading the truck. Therefore, it is imperative that it is possible, as long as the lines are not delivered. If required, the quantity of a source line can be connected to several shipments in parallel in order to handle a limited transport capacity, a backorder situation where you want to prepare the next delivery in advance, a shipment receiver requiring a certain delivery schedule etc.

When reassigning a shipment line quantity, this is disconnected from current shipment and connected to a new shipment, an existing shipment, or the source object. If desired you can reassign the reserved and picked quantities of the shipment line to the destination.

Depending on if you reassign reserved packages or not reserved packages, different kinds of component quantities must be included, based on the quantity per assembly for the component. The components are represented as one record for the quantity not reserved, and one record for each reservation. When the number of packages to reassign is entered in the header, if possible, the component quantity is decided automatically in the lower table. For instance, this is not possible if the package is partly reserved and you want to move a not reserved package. Then you might need to include some reserved component quantity, in addition, to get a complete package. Another instance where you are unable to reassign is when the loading is finished.



To remove shipment lines:

To modify the quantity of shipment lines:

To reassign the quantity of the shipment lines:

System Effects


When shipment lines are removed:

When the quantity of shipment lines are modified:

When the quantity of the shipment lines are reassigned: