Undo Delivery
There may be times when you want to undo a delivery made from a customer
order, shipment or consolidated shipment. If you only want to undo a specific
delivery, you can select the specific delivery line and undo the delivery.
Note: Once a delivery note is created, you can only undo the total delivery
for that specific delivery note. This means that you will have to use the
Undo from the header (to undo the delivery).
For shipment deliveries, you can only cancel the shipment as a whole from
the header. This would move the shipment back to Complete state if it
was closed. For consolidated shipment, you should undo delivery per shipment.
It is possible to undo rental order deliveries (only the normal order flow)
regardless of the status of the rental order line.
Undo delivery is not allowed for component parts of a Package Part when
the supply code on the customer order line is Internal Purchase Direct
or Purchase Order Direct.
- There should be at least one customer order line, shipment order line,
project deliverable line or purchase receipt return line with some quantity
- If an invoice has already been created, you will first have to cancel
the invoice.
- Note that undo customer order delivery of parts delivered in a handling
unit structure does not guarantee that the delivered structure appears as
delivered on the shipment or in inventory after undo delivery has been performed.
As the undo delivery is done per delivery line on lowest level it is for
example possible to undo delivery of a handling unit structure partly. Also
note that their might have been changes made to the handling unit structure
after delivery and the undo delivery will then use the handling unit structure
for the delivery lines as is - not as delivered. If changes made to delivered
structure include repacking of new parts there might be validations preventing
undo delivery.
- Return material lines should not exist against the customer order line.
If there are no returns or scraps performed for the return material line,
you can remove the customer order line reference from the return material
line to undo the customer order delivery.
- If multiple deliveries exist for the same customer order line and return
material authorization is created against a specific debit invoice, still
the system will allow to undo delivery for a delivery not included in that
debit invoice given that no other return material lines exists without any
debit invoice reference. Note, this does not apply to package parts.
- When you are delivering within the same company, using internal Purchase
Order, internal Customer Order, or Shipment Order, the delivered part and
the handling unit it was packed into should be available in transit.This
includes all the part details like lot/batch, serial, configuration etc.If
the parts have been received from the transit at the receiving site or remote
warehouse, undo delivery is not possible.
System Effects
- As a result of this activity, the customer order status will be changed
to Partially Delivered, Picked or Released. The shipment order
status will remain In Progress. The Source Qty
to Return and Source Qty Returned in
Receipt/Return tab will be updated for purchase receipt
- If you undo delivery of a shipment that is closed, the shipment status
will go to Complete.
- If Undo Delivery is performed on a shipment returning an inventory part,
a non-inventory part, or a no-part to the supplier for rework or credit
in Dual Company Procurement flow, duplicate reversal transactions will be
created to reverse the Purchasing Company/Site dual transactions and the
original transactions created on the Demand Company/Site.