Create Tool Equipment Object


In this activity you can define and register Tool Equipment objects.   

The Tool Equipment objects are diversified and comprises many different types. It may be assets defined with a part number and or lot/serial numbers. It may also be assets defined directly in the asset register without a part number. In those cases the Asset ID would be the only identifier for the asset. 

A Tool Equipment object can exist and belong to many companies over time. The Operator is the company that is currently handling/using/operating the asset. In a rental scenario it could for instance be the customer that the asset is rented out to. The operator entity must be defined as a company within the database.

The attribute Accounting Owner reflects the current legal entity owning the asset from a financial standpoint. It is only possible to have one accounting owner at any given time. The accounting owner is regarded internal if it is a company that is defined within the database. The value is then selected from the Company entity. If the legal owner does not exist as a company in the database it is regarded as external and the value is selected from  the Owner entity.

The attribute Maintenance Responsibility reflects the current legal entity responsible for planning and execution of the maintenance plans for the asset. It is only possible to have one maintenance responsible at any given time. The maintenance responsible is regarded internal if it is a company that is defined within the database. The value is then selected from the Company entity. If the entity does not exist as a company in the database it is regarded as external and the value is selected from  the Owner entity.

The Tool Equipment object may have a maintenance plan or individual work orders assigned in order to perform different types of preventive and corrective maintenance. History views for both maintenance and rental events are available for each Tool Equipment object, in order to facilitate follow-up and analysis.


Tool Equipment Group must have been defined in IFS/Resource.

System Effects

As a result of this activity a Tool Equipment object is defined in the system.