This description is divided into the following sections:
Data Load and Refresh – Using User Settings to select Default Dataset and set auto-refresh interval. The Dispatcher can change the dataset loaded to the dispatch console and define a refresh interval for the page.
Dataset Selector - If the user views multiple Datasets at the same time and changes between Datasets, a page reload (Browser refresh) has to be done after selecting the required dataset to ensure that resource shift level is properly loaded.
Left Side Panel - This panel is default collapsed and comprises of the three views. By pressing the up-down arrow in the panel, the Dispatcher can change the view to Work Tasks, Scheduling Exceptions and Map. When expanded, the panel is set to a default width but can be expanded as user seems fit.
Search Context – Dispatcher can filter out resources in the Gantt according to their Resource Group, Certificate, Competency and Skill or Region using the Search context. These search criteria can be saved using the Saved search option. Search context pane can be collapsed when it is not in use to save the page space.
Gantt Area – All Work assignments, Private activates assigned to resources & Allocations sent in DSE plan are visible in the Gantt area. The Dispatcher can closely monitor these tasks and do necessary modifications (re-allocation, resize, unassign) using the Gantt.
Work Tasks List - This table allows the Dispatcher to view and interact with Work Tasks.
Overlapping - When activities overlap in the Gantt, a number will be
displayed on the overlapping element, indicating how many activities are
layered underneath. By clicking on the overlapping element, users can
expand and view the underlaying elements to make necessary changes or
access information about those activities. Overlapping is permitted for
Work Assignments, Misc. Allocations, Crew Allocations and Breaks.
case where there is an expansion of a travel plan connected to the
activity it will remain in its original line.
Assign using Drag and Drop
The Hand cursor available on each Unassigned Task can be used to drag and drop the Unallocated Task in to the Gantt area of the Dispatch console. Once the Task is brought closer to a resource, the tooltip available on the Gantt can be used to see on what timeframe that the task will be allocated to.
Assign using Assign Command
The Assign command available on each Unassigned Task can be used to allocate a resource for the demand which will open up the Assign Job dialog. If there’s a suggested Allocation available for the demand it will be indicated and auto-filled in the dialog and the Dispatcher can either accept the Dynamic Scheduling Engine (DSE) suggestion or do some manual changes to it. If there’s no suggested allocations from DSE sent, the Dispatcher can manually select a Resource and set the Allocation time.
Scheduling Dispatch Service (DSP) Usage
If the Activate Schedule Dispatch Service on the Scheduling Dataset is enabled and all the required commit rules are properly defined in the Advanced Resource Planning (ARP), then the relevant commit rule is applied on the demand allocation and such committed Work Assignments can be seen on the Dispatch Console. DSP will not consider those activities that are not relevant to these defined commit rules.
Suggested Allocation:
The Suggested Allocation field in the Unassigned Tasks List on the Dispatch console will indicate whether there’s a DSE allocation available for the demand. If there is, the Dispatcher can make changes to the allocation or choose to commit. If no allocations exists, the Dispatcher has to do the allocation manually.
The view calendar option can be open from the resource detail card. When pressing the “View Calendar” command its pops up the model calendar view top of the dispatch console page. In the model view of the calendar, the dispatcher can see all the types of activities as calendar bookings. The dispatcher can view different views like Day, Week, Month and Agenda. All the activities are enabled with a detailed card and can be opened when clicking on top of the calendar booking. With the filtering option provided dispatcher can filter certain allocation types and according to activity status. When loading the Calendar schedules shift validity for the Dataset beyond the scheduling horizon is not considered.
There are various information available to be added as Gantt chart columns such as Resource Region, Resource Utilization for today etc. These columns are defined to help the Dispatcher to have a quick glance at the resource level information on the Gantt itself and most importantly to sort the resources based on column data e.g. ascending order, descending order and also multiple column sorting.
The shifts that doesn't belong to the dataset will be displayed in grey color. Change the dataset selector and do a page reload to load the shifts properly
The map tab next to the Work List will not be available in the default view.
A super user/administrator has the possibility to configure the map and the work task list
via the page designer.
It is recommended to only have one map
configuration in the Dispatch Console page i.e. either the Map in
the Left Panel or the in a tab below the Gantt. If the user prefers to have the map
in a tab below the Gantt, it is recommended to use it in conjunction with the left panel
work task list.
The map has to be opened to view the data as it will not open
up the map directly from any of the commands.
From this value field service technician can provide the expected arrival time for an activity. In the dispatch console, the dispatcher can check the expected arrival time in the Task detail card. With updating the expected arrival time, DSE will adjust the activity Start according to arrival time and the dispatch console will visualize relevant changes in the Gantt view, after receiving the latest schedule plan.
In the Dispatch Console, it’s possible to visualize the resource's current location. In the Dispatch Console Map view, the current location is visualized with a resource pin and in the Gantt it is visualized with a small diamond shape icon. With a click on the top of the icon, a detail card appears and the dispatcher can check the location in the map view.
Defines whether the activity should be highlighted in the exception window in the Dispatch Console. Text used in this field will be displayed. The field service technician can send highlights for activities if it requires special attention from the dispatcher. Highlighted Activities are visualized in the Gantt view with an outer border. For more information, a dispatcher can open the task detail card and check the information related to the highlight.
If a field service technician requires special attention it can be done by simply raising Attention On from mobile. In the dispatch console, Attention to resources is denoted in the resource status indicator with a separate icon (check the legend). For more information, the dispatcher can open a resource details card. This information also syncs with DSE and relevant exceptions are raised.
The Exceptions tab in the left panel displays the combined list of exceptions from PSO and Manual entries. It provides an exception count for each category.
The loading of exceptions and start and end location will be executed as a background job. You will find the status of the job in the Background Jobs window, in the My Administration folder in the Navigator.
Calculation of the numbers of days display on DC is according to the settings on Scheduling dataset page- by the parameters: scheduling work days and appointment work days. and also by the Calendar defined there.
start date will be the local datetime according dataset time zone
end date is calculated by the scheduling duration (the scheduling work days and if i have calendar i also consider the working days defined) + appointment duration (the appointment work days that is added after calculate the scheduling work days and if i have calendar i also consider the working days defined)
We also have in DC settings the parameter of display past days that means how many days before the start date we should also display on Gantt. we can scroll the gantt up to 14 days back from todays date.