A work task is a defined scope of work for one or more persons (who may require specific competencies/licences), for a known continuous period of time, optionally at a specified location. Work tasks are linked to a single work order and may link to other tasks that must be done before or after.
All resource demands stated on the work task are to be performed at the same time.
Costs, time, and other information can be reported in for the work task. If IFS/Service Management is used, the information on the work task is transferred to IFS/Customer Orders for invoicing purposes. If IFS Mobile application is installed, the work tasks can be processed, through their work assignments, in mobile devices while communicating with IFS system. For work orders generated from Fleet and Asset Management, all task cards or subtasks are transferred as work tasks on the work order once the maintenance order is released.
A work task step is describing the details steps that are required to perform the work task. Equipment Objects, Category Objects, Tool/Equipment Objects and Linear Assets can be associated to a step line.
The work task step is not a sub task and it is not possible to add demands (resources, materials etc.) on a step line or to create transactions (time, issues etc.) directly against a step.
A work assignment holds the allocation of a resource (person or tool) for a work task including the allocated start and finish.
Each work task may have zero, one or more work assignments. The work assignment has its own status that reflects the progress of that specific assignment.
Since a work task can be in progress for a period of time, there is a status system that defines what can be done with the work task and where in the work process the work task resides. It is not mandatory to use all the statuses.
The following statuses are available:
Creation of a default work task is controlled by the Auto create Work
Task on WO Status option on Maintenance submenu
on Site page. This indicates the work order status to
trigger creation of a default work task. Creation of a work task is triggered
when the work order reaches the status as defined if the work order doesn’t
have any work tasks. Work orders with Connection Type : VIM, DESIGN OBJECT,
COMPATIBLE UNIT, WORK PACKAGE and work orders generated from PM actions are
excluded from this control.
If Null value is selected creation of a default
task is disabled.
Default work task will be created at following work
orders statuses with work task statuses set respectively:
Work Request : Work
task will be created when the work order status is set to Work Request
or Fault Report. Work Task status will be set to New.
: Work task will be created when the work order status is set to Observed.
Work Task status will be set to New.
Under Preparation
: Work task will be created when the work order status is set to Under Preparation.
Work Task status will be set to Under Preparation.
: Work task will be created when the work order status is set to Prepared.
Work Task status will be set to Prepared.
: Work task will be created when the work order status is set to Released
or Started. Work Task status will be set to Released.
Active Work Orders
Execute Work Order
Execute Work Task
Fault Report for Work Order
New Fault Report
New Repair Work Order
Prepare Work Order
Repair Work Orders
Retrospective Work Reporting - EAM
Retrospective Work Reporting - SM
Work Order Structure Navigator
Work Order Structure Planning
Work Task