Status Handling on Work Tasks
Work Tasks are used to define the work that is to be performed to fix
a fault or to perform a service on an asset. If the Work Order is PM-generated,
Work Tasks will inherit their contents from the connected Work Lists.
If a Work Task Template is specified on the Work Order, the Work Task and its connected
entities are inherited from the Work Lists on the Work Task Template. For Work Orders
generated from Fleet and Asset Management, all Task Cards or Sub Tasks are transferred
as Work Tasks on the Work Order once the Maintenance Order is released.
Work Task Steps are used to categorize or sequence the work content of
a Work Task. If the Work Order is generated through a PM action with the PM Group
ID and Merge option selected, the Work Order will be generated with a
Work Task with multiple Work Task Steps connected to the task, representing the
information on each PM Action.
Work Assignments are used to define the resource allocations required
to perform work on the Work Task. The resources can be either of type Person or
Tool/Equipment. Execution of the Work Task can be monitored through the Work Assignments.
Work Assignments can be added manually to the Work Task through the Assign Work
option or be added automatically if the Work Task is scheduled using
automatic scheduling.
Work Task Status
It is possible to monitor the work progress with the task status system.
Due to the nature of heavy maintenance visits, numerous Engineers and Technicians
will be involved with performance and recording of work. Often the Floor Manager
has limited or no capability to determine the current progress and status of all
the work being performed. The possibility to set the status of a Work Task on a
Work Order provides greater control over the progress of the contents of a
work scope. This will enable planners to reasonably and accurately determine the
completion of work. The planner will also have the ability to view Work Tasks that
have been put on hold.
A description of each Work Task Status is as follows:
- New - The status of the new Work Task which is created or transferred
to the Work Order.
- Under Preparation - The status of Work Task when the planner has
started preparations on it.
- Prepared - The status of the Work Task once preparations are done
about the work content and its requirements.
- Released - The status that indicates that the Work Task is ready
to be started.
- Work Started - The status to which the Work Task should be moved
when the work is started on it. This status is considered highly important for
work monitoring tasks.
- Work Done - The status to which the Work Task should be moved once
the required work is done. At this state if executor sign off requirements are
defined it will be automatically performed and updated.
- Reported - The status to which all the transactions related to the
work done on the task should be reported. These transactions should be Authorized
or Transferred to set the status on task to Reported.
- Finished - The status to which the Work Task should be moved once
all required work and reporting are finished. The transactions related to the
Work Task should be Authorized or Transferred to set the status
to Finished. As an exception at this state it is possible to create and
match the supplier invoices for external purchases which have been already arrived
and issued on the Work Task. In addition all the sign off requirements must
be performed before setting the Work Task to this status.
- Cancelled - The status to which the Work Task should be moved if
it is cancelled. At this state all resource demands connected to the task will
be removed. It is not allowed to cancel a Work Task if there are transactions
created or if there is connected purchase requisitions.
On the other hand
if the Work Task has material lines connected which are in Closed status
it is possible to cancel the Work Task. If the material lines are not closed
but have reservations and pegging made when canceling the Work Task these reservations
and pegging will be removed and the material lines will be automatically set
to Closed status.
Upon setting the status on the work task to reported, there will be a
validation check if any assignments is still open. If open assignments exist,
user will be propmted with "There exist work assignments that are not completed,
incomplete or cancelled on this work task. These work assignments will be set to
completed.", Ok or Cancel.
Apart from this statuses the Work Task can be set to On Hold by using
the option Set/Unset to On Hold for instance due to lack of resources. When
the Work Task is ready to resume you can use the same option for commencing work
Work Task Progress
It is possible to monitor the Work Task progress by setting a progress percentage
relevant to the statuses for a Work Progress Template. The Work Progress
Template should be connected to the Work Order and once the status is achieved
the progress will automatically be updated on the Work Task.
Work Assignment Status
Statuses on Work Assignment reflects the execution phase of the Work Task. Once
the Work Assignments are assigned to a person whether the resource have accepted,
started, or completed the work can be monitored.
A description of each Work Assignment status is as follows:
- Assigned - This status means that the Work Assignment has been assigned
to the person who will be responsible for executing the work specified. Upon
creation of a Work Assignment it will be defaulted to this status.
- Accepted - This status means that a resource has accepted the
Work Assignment and is responsible for executing the work.
- On Route - This status means that the resource has started
- Waiting at Location - This status means that the resource has reached
the location of the job, but has to wait for something e.g. permission to enter the premises.
- Work Started - This status means that the work has been started.
- Pending Completion - This status means that the work is completed by the
resource, but some additional steps e.g. the customer wants to verify that
the fault is fixed.
- Complete - This status means that the work is completed.
- Incomplete - This status means that the work has started but
cannot be completed for some reason e.g. due to lack of time or material.
- Cancelled - This status means that the Work Assignment is cancelled.
Observe the following relationships between status changes on a Work Task and
Work Assignment:
- When the Work Assignment on the Work Task is set to the Work Started status, the status of the
Work Task is automatically changed to Work Started,
if the Work Task is not already in this status.
- When there is only one Work Assignment on the Work Task, the status of the
Work Task is automatically changed to Work Done when the assignment is set to Completed
status. When the assignment is Cancelled/Incomplete, the Work Task
Status will be remain unchanged.
- When there are multiple Work Assignments on the Work Task, the status of the
Work Task is automatically changed to Work Done, when one or more
Work Assignments are set to
Completed status and all other assignments are in Completed/Cancelled/Incomplete status.
- To set the status as Reported/Finished on a Work Task, all Work
Assignments on the Work Task must be in either Completed,
Incomplete or Cancelled status.
- It is only possible to cancel a Work Task when the Work Assignments on the
Work Task are in Assigned, Accepted or Cancelled
- When there are visit chains on the Work Task, the status of the Work
Task is automatically changed to Work Done when a visit chain is set to
Completed status and all other visit chains are in Completed/Cancelled/Incomplete status, and if the
Work Task is not already in this status.
Note: Above mentioned automatic status change of the Work
Task to Work Done when changing the status of assignments will
not take place when unallocated/ unassigned resource demands exist for the Work
Work Task Step Status
There are three statuses for a Work Task step - Not Done, Done
and Cancelled. If the task step is not completed, status can be set as
Not Done.
If the task step is completed, status can be set as Done
(it is possible to reset it to Not Done using the command
Reopen). If the task step is not required considering the work content it
can be set to status Cancelled.