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App ParametersΒΆ

Multiple app parameters can be defined in this section and they will be stored in the server database. These can be viewed in IFS Cloud Web under "Solution Manager > Touch Apps > Configuration > Application Parameters". Parameters are synced to the client if the visibility is set to Client.

Syntax for a parameter is as follows. parameter <unique_parameter_name> <data_type>

Supported data types are: Boolean, Number, Text

A parameter definition may contain the following keywords.

category Specify if the value for this parameter is defined by the App or the User.

defaultvalue The default value that should be set for this parameter.

description A user-friendly description of the parameter that will be shown in IFS Cloud Web.

domaindescriptions User-friendly display values for the options that the parameter may have, split by a caret symbol.

domainvalues The possible values that the parameter may have, split by a caret symbol.

platform Define if the parameter should be limited to iOS, Android, Windows or shared between All (default).

source An SQL expression that is used to fetch a value for this parameter. The user cannot set values for such parameters. Parameters with source specified can only have a source.

visibility Define if the parameter should only exist on the Server or it should be synchronized to the Client as well.

Example code:

parameters {
   parameter ExtServerUrl Text {
      description "Extended server base URL";
      platform = Windows;
      source = "Fnd_Setting_API.Get_Value('URL_EXT_SERVER')";

   parameter ENABLE_AURENA_LINKS Boolean {
      category App;
      description "Enable or disable the option to open IFS Cloud Web links from the app";
      defaultvalue = "TRUE";
      domainvalues = "TRUE^FALSE^";
      domaindescriptions = "Enabled^Disabled^";
      visibility Server;