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Export, Migrate, and Restrict Changes to the Configuration Data

Note: To configure Maintenix to support your version of IFS Cloud, refer to the Maintenix Administration Guide for the Maintenix version in use.

Configuration data must be exported from Maintenix and migrated to Allowable Configuration (ATCM) for users to be able to update the configuration baseline. Any changes made to the configuration data must be made in ATCM must then be published to Maintenix.

Configuration data is exported from Maintenix in the form of a .csv (comma separated) file, and the same .csv file must be migrated to Allowable Configuration. This export and migration both take place as background jobs.

Note: You must scan all the files using a virus guard prior to uploading them to file uploaders.

Follow the steps listed to successfully export and migrate the configuration data:

  1. Log in to the Maintenix application, and select the drop down next to the Maintenix home button.
  2. Select References from the menu that loads, and select My User Details.
  3. Locate the Roles tab, and select the role that will carry out the task of exporting the configuration data.
  4. Click on the Permissions tab, search and select the ACTION_EXPORT_CONFIGURATION_DATA and ACTION_TOGGLE_ALLOW_CONFIG_RESTRICTIONS parameters. Then click on the Enable button.
  5. After enabling the parameter, select the To-Do Lists tab on the same page, and click on the to-do list where the configuration data that you want to export is.
  6. In the to-do list, proceed to the Buttons tab, and click Assign Button. Locate the Export Configuration Data, and the Toggle Allowable Configuration Restrictions record from the list appearing. Select the check-box next to the record, and click on the Assign Selected Buttons button.
  7. Once done, select the drop down next to the IFS Cloud home button, and select All To-Do Lists.
  8. Locate and click the Toggle Allowable Configuration Restrictions button displayed above the table. Clicking the button prompts IFS Maintenix to show the list of features that are restricted from being modified or changed on the IFS Maintenix application. Click Yes to proceed.
  9. Locate the relevant to-do list, and click on the Export Configuration Data button. A .csv file with the configuration data will be downloaded. Contents of the exported data can be found here.
  10. In the IFS Cloud application, navigate to the Migration Job page, and search for the Group ID MIG_AC.
  11. Select the Job ID 0100_AC_DATA LOAD. Click Execute job, navigate to the Details tab, click Load File and upload the exported configuration data file.
  12. Once done, select the Job ID 0150_AC_RUN_ALL_JOBS, select Start Job, Background, and click on Execute Job.
  13. Navigate to the Background Jobs page and filter the Description field with “Run all jobs starting from AC Data load” (the executed Migration Job’s description).

While migrating, the background job is displayed with the status, which transitions from Posted to Executing, and if successful, to Ready. If unsuccessful, the status will be Error and an error text will be displayed.

The same process can be used when updating the configuration baseline, in a situation where new assemblies are introduced, or to support version upgrades. Please make sure there are no active change sources that are yet to be published in the IFS Cloud application at the time of data migration, in order to avoid any data inconsistency.

Learn more about Handling Error Messages here.

Note: The Allowable Configuration (ATCM) restrictions can be removed only when IFS Cloud is down and there is an urgent change to be made. The user needs to ensure the same change is made in IFS Cloud afterwards to avoid data inconsistencies between the two applications.