Advanced Technical Information¶
Use this page if you need advanced technical information about IFS Business Reporter.
Opening a IFS Business Reporter File Saved on a Remote Folder¶
By default when IFS Business Reporter is installed, security is set so that the MS Office trusts only the files saved on the installed machine. This means that an error will occur when trying to open a file stored on a remote shared folder. However these files can be accessed by setting trust on the shared folder via Trust Center settings under Excel Options. Please follow the instructions below.
- Open Microsoft Excel, click the Microsoft Office Button and then click Excel Options.
- Click Trust Center, click Trust Center Settings, and then click Trusted Locations.
- If you want to create a trusted location that is not local to your computer, select the Allow trusted locations on my network (not recommended) check box.
- Click Add new location.
- In the field Path, type the name of the folder that you want to use as a trusted location, or click Browse to locate the folder.
- If you want to include subfolders as trusted locations, select the Subfolders of this location are also trusted check box.
- In the Description field, type what you want to describe the purpose of the trusted location. For example, use IFS Business Reporter Shared Folder.
- Click OK.
Viewing IFS Business Reporter Reports in IFS Cloud Web¶
There is no functionality to view a Business Reporter report within the IFS Cloud Web client frame. When executing a Business Reporter report, the only option is to view the rendered report after downloading it to disk. Depending on how the report was designed, the downloaded report can be:
- an Business Reporter report (an Excel report with the Business Reporter add-in attached)
- a pure Excel report (the Business Reporter add-in is not attached)
- a PDF
Viewing IFS Business Reporter Reports Sent by E-Mail¶
The following limitations apply when sending a IFS Business Reporter report by E-mail when ordered as a scheduled report task:
- It is not possible to directly view a IFS Business Reporter report attached to the E-mail by double clicking on the attached Microsoft Excel file. This is due to the Microsoft.NET security policy. The solution is to first save the attached Microsoft Excel file to a local folder before opening it. Do not save the report to a remote folder that is not shared/trusted.
- If you are getting an information message when opening the report informing you that the file originates from an internet location and might be unsafe, copy the file to a separate local folder and set that folder as a trusted location for Excel. For more information about trusted locations, refer to Microsoft Office support info.
- If IFS Business Reporter Execution Server is not installed and set up, the mail recipients should have IFS Business Reporter client installed to be able to open the report. The best solution to this problem is to install and set up IFS Business Reporter Execution Server.
Timeout Settings¶
If the response from the server takes longer time than the configured timeout settings, a Request Timeout Error will be raised. To overcome this, modify the timeout setting for the Application Server in use. Please refer to Application Server documentation for more information.
Azure Specific¶
In cloud environments, the default timeout for the Azure Load Balancer is normally 4 minutes. This means that if a Business Reporter report is executed against an Azure cloud environment and the execution takes more than the current time limit, the report might finalize on the server side but will no be provided to the end user. To overcome this problem the timeout for the Azure Load Balancer must be increased.