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Configure the FTP Transport Connector

The FTP transport connector makes it possible to send and receive files from and to IFS Cloud by using the FTP/FTPS protocol. The FTP Reader gets files from an IN directory in any format and executes them. The FTP Sender has the possibility to put files in different xml-formats or plain text to a OUT directory.

Note: This page explains configuration based on default instances FTP_SENDER1 and FTP_READER1, but there is no difference in configuration of arbitrary Ftp Reader or Sender instance.

FTP Sender specific parameters

Note: The output directory is specified on Routing Address

  • HOST
    Host name or IP address of machine hosting the FTP server. You must specify a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) when you use host name, e.g.
  • PORT
    Port number the FTP server is listening on. Enter 0 for default port.
  • USER
    Username for the user connecting to the FTP server
    Password for the user connecting to the FTP server
    Choose SSL/TLS for FTP over SSL (FTPS).
    Choose between passive or active mode.
    Tick to use Extended Passive Mode with IPv4.
    Tick to use TLS Session Resumption if security protocol is TLS/SSL and FTP server has this option enabled.
    If specified, the file will be written to this directory and be moved to the output directory after successful transfer. If the directory is not specified the file will be suffixed with .part during the transfer.

Note: Currently TLS Session Resumption option for FTP sender does not support for TLS1.3 version supported FTP servers due to the limitation of the underlying library.

Additional parameters are specified on Routing Address for Destination Type Ftp.

FTP Reader specific parameters

  • HOST
    Host name or IP address of machine hosting the FTP server. You must specify a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) when you use host name, e.g.
  • PORT Port number the FTP server is listening on. Enter 0 for default port.
  • USER Username for the user connecting to the FTP server
  • PASSWORD Password for the user connecting to the FTP server
  • CONNECT_MODE Choose between passive or active mode.
  • USE_EPS_WITH_IPV4 Tick to use Extended Passive Mode with IPv4.
  • IN_DIRECTORY Directory from which the reader is reading files. See also file based reader considerations.
  • ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY If specified, the reader will move the successfully processed files to this directory rather then deleting them.
    If ticked, read retry of a file that no longer exists will be ignored. Such situation can arise if the file has been removed or changed after it has been listed but before it has been read. See also file based reader considerations. If un-ticked a read attempt of a file that not exists will result in a failure leaving the corresponding entry in Connect Reader Queue with status Read Failed.
  • TLS_SESSION_RESUMPTION Tick to use TLS Session Resumption if security protocol is TLS/SSL and FTP server has this option enabled.

How to create new instances of the FTP Connectorr

It's possible to create new instances of the Ftp Reader Transport Connector provided that they should scan distinct root directories (Only one FTP Reader can scan an in-directory).