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Mobile Maintenance for Aviation


The Mobile Maintenance (MM) for Aviation solution enables aviation maintenance teams to perform maintenance activities from preparing for aircraft arrival, recording maintenance, and deferring faults, to releasing an aircraft, via the IFS Cloud Web and IFS Cloud Mobile user interfaces.

MM for Aviation can be deployed integrated with Maintenix as the primary Maintenance and Engineering (M&E) system, or as a standalone maintenance execution system. For information on deploying Maintenix integrated with Mobile Maintenance for Aviation, see Maintenix (MXCORE).

The Mobile Maintenance for Aviation components in IFS Cloud are:

  • ADCOM - This consists of web pages, used by administrators to manage basic data information related to Mobile Maintenance for Aviation, and to define settings related to the display of information for technicians.
  • ADMON - This consists of web pages used by administrators to monitor, notably the status of the communication requests and events between the Mobile Maintenance for Aviation applications and Maintenix, when an integration to Maintenix is supported. See Communication Monitoring in IFS Cloud Documentation.
  • FLMEXE - This consists of web pages used by line planners, supervisors and line technicians to carry out mobile maintenance activities.
  • FLM - This consists of pages on the mobile application for Mobile Maintenance for Aviation, App Store name IFS Maintenance for Aviation, which is used by technicians. For information related to the IFS Maintenance for Aviation application, see IFS Maintenance for Aviation.

Configuration tasks

The sections below detail the list of tasks to be executed to configure Mobile Maintenance for Aviation for use.

System administrator tasks

A system administrator performs the tasks listed below.

Task Instructions
Set up a user as a Mobile Maintenance for Aviation administrator who can then go on to administrate over Mobile Maintenance for Aviation. Set up a User as an Administrator
Install and set up IFS Cloud Mobile Apps. IFS Cloud Mobile Apps
Configure remote assistance on installation. Remote Assistance Configuration

Mobile Maintenance for Aviation administrator tasks

A Mobile Maintenance for Aviation administrator performs the tasks listed below.

Task Instructions
Set up a user as a technician. Set up a User as a Technician
Set up a user as a supervisor. Set up a User as a Supervisor
Set up a user as a line planner. Set up a User as a Line Planner
Set up a user as a maintenance operations controller. Set up a User as a Maintenance Operations Controller
Instruct line technicians on how to install the mobile application for Mobile Maintenance for Aviation, App Store name IFS Maintenance for Aviation, and set up environment configurations. IFS Maintenance for Aviation
Prepare and load aircraft configuration for use by Mobile Maintenance for Aviation. Prepare and load aircraft configuration
Generate aircraft configuration file from ATCM. Generate aircraft configuration file from ATCM
Enable a line technician or supervisor to add and view attachments on a fault. Configure the use of attachments on faults
Allow LiDAR based measurement media attachment. Allow LiDAR Media Attachments
Set up the use of digital signatures for Mobile Maintenance for Aviation. IFS Signature Service
Configure users and user groups for remote assistance. Remote Assistance
If required, modify the default scheduled cleanup of work package loader data from external file and intermediate processing tables and configure an event action to notify when the cleanup is executed. Configure work package loader data cleanup activities
Set up to notify a line planner of errors while loading/publishing a work package. Set up to notify line planner of work package loading errors
Set up external file storage, and configure fault attachments and LiDAR measurement images to be stored to an external file storage location. Set up and configure external file storage
Allow third-party flight following systems to update flights in Mobile Maintenance for Aviation using the IFS Cloud Open API. Set up a service user to integrate with the flight API

For Mobile Maintenance for Aviation deployed as a standalone maintenance execution system, additionally perform the following task:

Task Instructions
Configure Mobile Maintenance for Aviation to be non-integrated with Maintenix at runtime. Configure Mobile Maintenance for Aviation to be non-integrated with Maintenix at runtime
Enable the IFS Cloud tooling solution for use by Mobile Maintenance for Aviation, rather than the default tooling solution from Maintenix. Enable the IFS Cloud tooling solution

For Mobile Maintenance for Aviation, integrated with Maintenix, additionally perform the following tasks:

Task Instructions
Configure URL for Maintenix for cross application navigation. Configure Maintenix URL for cross application navigation
Enable permission for a line planner to publish work package from Maintenix. Enable permission to publish work package from Maintenix
Enable permissions for a line technician to find and reserve inventory in Maintenix. Enable permissions to find and reserve inventory in Maintenix
Set up alerts in Maintenix to notify of Configuration Management System (CMS) related errors or warnings. Set up alerts to notify of CMS errors and warnings in Maintenix
Enable permissions for a maintenance operations controller to view and work with the Phone up Deferral page in Maintenix. See Enabling Phone Up Deferral in the Maintenix Administration Guide.
Enable permissions for a technician to complete a work package in Maintenix and set up alerts to notify failure to complete work package. Configure settings for administration of work completion in Maintenix
Migrate data from Maintenix to Mobile Maintenance for Aviation. Migrate data for Mobile Maintenance for Aviation from Maintenix
If required, extract aircraft configuration information from Maintenix to prepare a csv file to load aircraft configuration to Mobile Maintenance for Aviation Extract aircraft configuration from Maintenix
Enable a line technician to request for parts from part groups unrelated to those defined on the task or fault. Allow part requirements for unrelated part groups in Maintenix
Extract data related to faults, component removals, and assembly removals from the IFS Cloud for IFS Maintenix Aviation Analytics. Export Mobile Maintenance for Aviation Data for IFS Maintenix Aviation Analytics
If you have users configured in one of the database schemas, run a script to migrate users to the other database. Migrate User Data
Create an event action to respond to the ADMON_ERROR_ALERT event, which is triggered when an error occurs in the communication process between Mobile Maintenance for Aviation and Maintenix. Set up communication error notifications for administrators