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This guide can be used to troubleshoot problems with the Object Subscription functionality.


Cannot subscribe to any object in a form

It is sometime not possible to subscribe to any object in a form because of limitation in the form/logical unit or limitations in the object subscription functionality. For a particular form logical unit to be subscribable the following characteristics must be there.

  • The Dictionary information must be up to date.
  • OBJKEY and OBJID must exists in the view used in the client form and ROWKEY column must exists in the base table of the logical unit
  • ROWKEY Functionality must be enabled on the logical unit
  • Subscriptions for the logical unit should be enabled.

When the "Subscriptions for this logical unit is disabled by the Administrator" message is shown

The subscription has been disabled at the logical unit level or at the individual subscription level by the Administrator.

Check the Object Subscription Logical Unit Form or the Object Subscription Overview form for more information

Field not available in the Subscription dialog

Sometimes it is not possible to subscribe to all the visible fields in the form. Following requirements must be met for a field to be unbribable.

  • Field must be available in both the base table and the view currently used in the client form. (e.g. client side derived attributes are not supported).
  • If the field name in the view is different to that of the table, then model properties for the field must be set correctly to reflect the difference.
  • Both the view and the table must belong to the same logical unit.
  • Data type must be either VARCHAR2, NUMBER or DATE

Streams Notification is not received even though the object has changed after a successful subscription

This can be caused by a number of different reasons. Below is a checklist in order to find the reason why.

  • Is Oracle Scheduler running properly ?
  • Check the bottom of the screen to see whether there is any warning message. If there is a warning message, then this could mean that there is an issue with the push notification services. See troubleshooting Streams functionality for more details.
  • Check whether the subscription is enabled in Object Subscription Overview form ?
  • Check if the tracking is enabled for the logical unit, and the triggers are enabled in Object Subscription Logical Unit Form ?
  • Check if there are any errors in the browser network tab when a user performs any changes to the business object (e.g. : modifying the CustomerOrder) ?
  • Check if there are any errors in the error log of the ifsapp-client-notifications Kubernetes pod.