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Export to Excel Extension

Read more on Export to Excel Extension Overview

Life time of cache for Excel Downloads

By default, the life time of cache for Excel Downloads is 5 minutes. This time-to-live in minutes can be configured with the JVM Property -Dodp.extension.xlsx.cache.ttl.mins. Read more on OData Provider System Parameters

Translation Support

Translation of the Excel output to different language is supported. In order to generate the excel output translated into a user preffered language (such as to the language from which the user logged into IFS Cloud), language setting in the browser should be set to that particular language.


Following known limitations are applicable in Export to Excel extension.

  • In this extension, server supports only string and integer type attributes to be concatenated.
  • Structures (Complex Types) support only renaming of column names. Ordering and string concatenation is not supported for Structures.
  • The maximum allowed content length per cell is 32767 characters, by default if this is exceeded an error is thrown. To avoid the error and truncate the cell data instead, enable the 'Truncate Excel Data' System Parameter.
  • Export can handle up to 1 million rows and 16000 columns. However, based on the data been exported, other limitations like storage can be encountered first. If so, a workaround is to change the Export mode. Refer Excel Extension Modes