The Lobbies Page is used to manage Lobby pages. From here you can view existing pages, create new, import and export pages.
Note: The Lobbies Page is granted as part of the LobbyConfig projection and is considered to be a tool for developers and super users to get an overview of the existing lobbies as well as an entry point for creating new lobbies.
For an end user who want to get an overview of available lobbies for him/herself, "My Lobbies" page is available under My Administration in the navigator.
View and Search Pages¶
The Lobbies Page contains a list of all existing Lobby pages. Click on a page to open it.
A search filter is available in the upper right hand corner. Use this to search for lobby pages, e.g. type "Cus Ord" to search for pages called "Customer Orders". The pages Name, Title and Keywords are searchable.
It is also possible to filter lobby pages by their Client Type. The filter is set to All Types by default, but can be set to IFS Cloud or IFS B2B Client or Unspecified. Here, the type "Unspecified" lists all the lobbies coming from previous client versions like IFS Enterprise Explorer.
Create and delete Pages¶
Use the button New in the page toolbar to create a new page and use the button with the delete icon on every entry to delete a lobby page.
Import Pages¶
Use the Import Page button in the toolbar to import a Lobby page. It will open the file browser where you select which file to import. If the page already exists you are asked to overwrite it or to make a copy of it by choosing "Generate new ID".
Element and Data Source Designer¶
Element Designer and Data Source Designer are located in the navigator under Solution Manager > Configuration > Lobby