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Asset Data Collection (ASDTCL)

This page aims to provide a product-specific tailoring guide for workflows related to Asset Data Collection. APM is one of the future integral parts of the Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) solution which concentrates on decision support.

In the workflows mentioned below, the integration(service) user must have access to the site(s) for the equipment managed by the data collection flows, and the user should be able to configure custom events. The person associated with the integration (service) user must be an employee within the company linked to the corresponding site.

APM Workflows

  1. bpaApmMeasurement - Register APM Measurements
  2. bpaApmStartStopEvent - Register APM Events, Start/Stop
  3. bpaApmSpeedEvent - Register APM Events, Speed Change
  4. bpaApmAlarm - Register APM Alarms
  5. bpaApmEquipmentObjectMeasurement - Register Object Measurements and Condition Generation
  6. bpaApmAlarmFault - Generate Fault Alarms
  7. bpaApmShopFloorDowntime - Start/Stop Shop Floor Machine Downtime & Operations

bpaApmMeasurement - Register APM Measurements

The ingested measurement observations are saved against an equipment test point and parameter in the database in the Asset Measurement table. This dataset comprises information like parameter category, parameter ID, recorded measurement values, and upper/lower bound values. If these thresholds are exceeded, a conditional alarm indication is recorded. Such data serves as the basis for generating a measurement summary on the Asset Performance Detail page.

The below-mentioned table has the required custom attributes for bpaApmMeasurement workflow.

Attribute Name Description Data Type Flag
EquipmentObjectSeq Technical key of the Equipment Object STRING Optional
MchCode Equipment Object ID STRING Optional
MchCodeContract Equipment Object Site STRING Optional
TestPntSeq Technical key for the Equipment Test Point NUMBER Optional

bpaApmStartStopEvent - Register APM Events, Start/Stop

The ingested start and stop event observations are saved against an equipment in the database in Asset Start Stop Event table. This dataset includes details such as event category (start or stop) and subcategory (Planned, Unplanned, Production halt). These details are utilized to visualize event summaries and compute the availability metrics on the Asset Performance Detail page.

The below-mentioned table has the required custom attributes for bpaApmStartStopEvent workflow.

Attribute Name Description Data Type Flag
EquipmentObjectSeq Technical key of the Equipment Object STRING Optional
MchCode Equipment Object ID STRING Optional
MchCodeContract Equipment Object Site STRING Optional

bpaApmSpeedEvent - Register APM Events, Speed Change

The ingested speed event observations are saved against an equipment in the database in Asset Speed Event table. This dataset encompasses details such as the current speed and subcategories (speed increase or decrease). This data is directly employed to depict event summaries on the Asset Performance Detail page visually.

The below-mentioned table has the required custom attributes for bpaApmSpeedEvent workflow.

Attribute Name Description Data Type Flag
EquipmentObjectSeq Technical key of the Equipment Object STRING Optional
MchCode Equipment Object ID STRING Optional
MchCodeContract Equipment Object Site STRING Optional

bpaApmAlarm - Register APM Alarms

The ingested alarm observations are saved against equipment in the database in the Asset Alarm table. The stored information includes specifics like the severity level (high/medium/low), error discovery code, and error classification. If the alarm condition is categorized as high, a critical alarm is logged; otherwise, a cautionary alarm is recorded. This data is utilized directly to display alarm information on the Asset Performance Details page.

The below-mentioned table has the required custom attributes for bpaApmAlarm workflow.

Attribute Name Description Data Type Flag
EquipmentObjectSeq Technical key of the Equipment Object STRING Optional
MchCode Equipment Object ID STRING Optional
MchCodeContract Equipment Object Site STRING Optional

bpaApmEquipmentObjectMeasurement - Register Object Measurements and Condition Generation

The ingested measurement observations are saved against an equipment test point and parameter in the database in Equipment Object Measurement table. The information is linked to the equipment's ID and test point sequence, including only the actual measurement value.

Additionally, when a Preventive Maintenance action is linked to a particular parameter, this model triggers a background job for condition generation. If the newly recorded reading violates the condition criteria, it initiates the generation of a fault (work order). The collected data serves the purpose of visualizing conditional alarms and automatically reported conditional faults on the Asset Performance Details page.

The below-mentioned table has the required custom attributes for bpaApmEquipmentObjectMeasurement workflow.

Attribute Name Description Data Type Flag
EquipmentObjectSeq Technical key of the Equipment Object STRING Optional
MaintOrg Maintenance Organization STRING Mandatory
MchCode Equipment Object ID STRING Optional
MchCodeContract Equipment Object Site STRING Optional
TestPntSeq Technical key for the Equipment Test Point NUMBER Optional
WoContract Work Order Site STRING Mandatory

bpaApmAlarmFault - Generate Fault Alarms

This bpaApmAlarmFault workflow responds to reported device alarms. In cases where the alarm condition matches the value set in custom attribute ConditionForAlarm, this model can automatically generate a fault report associated with the relevant equipment object. Pertinent alarm-related information is automatically populated into the generated fault report. This information is then utilized to present auto-reported alarm faults visually on the Asset Performance Details page.

The below-mentioned table has the required custom attributes for bpaApmAlarmFault workflow.

Attribute Name Description Data Type Flag
EquipmentObjectSeq Technical key of the Equipment Object STRING Optional
ConditionForAlarm The criticality of the Alarms that should trigger fault STRING Mandatory
ExecuteAs The reported person of the fault STRING Optional
MaintOrg Maintenance Organization STRING Mandatory
MchCode Equipment Object ID STRING Optional
MchCodeContract Equipment Object Site STRING Optional
Priority The priority of the created fault STRING Mandatory
WoContract Work Order Site STRING Mandatory

bpaApmShopFloorDowntime - Start/Stop Shop Floor Machine Downtime & Operations

This workflow captures the commencement and cessation events reported for a specific equipment object. To enable this functionality, the equipment object needs to be linked as a resource within an appropriate shop floor work center. When an unplanned stop event occurs, this model initiates a downtime period for the corresponding machine on the associated shop floor. Subsequently, when the next start event takes place, it concludes the ongoing machine downtime.

For planned start and stop events, this workflow oversees the activation or deactivation of the subsequent valid operation within the relevant work center, ensuring the smooth execution of the manufacturing processes.

The below-mentioned table has the required custom attributes for bpaApmShopFloorDowntime workflow.

Attribute Name Description Data Type Flag
Category ID of the category STRING Mandatory
Contract Site STRING Optional
DeviceId Device ID STRING Mandatory
DowntimeCauseId Alphanumerical identifier of the downtime caused STRING Mandatory
EmployeeId Employee ID STRING Optional
ExecuteAs Person ID STRING Mandatory
InterrCauseId Interruption cause ID STRING Mandatory
MchCode Equipment Object ID STRING Optional

Connect a Workflow to an Observation Flow

To access the observation flow page and configure the workflow items, follow these steps:

  • Open the application and navigate to the observation flow page.
  • Locate and select the relevant observation flow.
  • Within the observation flow interface, find the "Workflow items" tab and click on it.
  • Look for the "Add workflow item" command and click on it to initiate the workflow configuration process.
  • Once you've added the workflow item, proceed to customize the action by including the required custom attributes. These attributes are crucial for enabling the proper functioning of the workflow.

By following these steps, you will effectively navigate to the observation flow page, query for the pertinent observation flow, add a workflow item, and set up the essential custom attributes to ensure the accurate operation of the workflow.

If the optional custom attributes are left unset, the workflow execution will resort to utilizing the IOT device map from the database or default values as alternatives.