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Search Context

Search context is a feature used to keep some parameters in the page and use them mainly for filtering the data in the elements. But those values can be used in other places as well such as commands, boolean expressions and string interpolations.

Search Context - Page

Figure 1 - Page Search Context

Search Context - List

Figure 2 - List Search Context


Displaying Timezone Badge in Timezone Selectable Date/Time Fields

The Date/Time dropdown menu in the Search Context allows users to filter records based on various timezones. When a user applies a Date/Time filter using a different timezone, a timezone badge will appear next to the datetime value, indicating the selected timezone.


Figure 2 - Timezone Selection for Date/Time fields in Search Context

Note*: Date/Time fields in Page Search, Filter Search, and Search Context* possess integrated capabilities enabling users to filter records based on date/time values within a chosen timezone.


  • The search context panel can only be included in a page or a list.
  • Values from the page search context can be used with all elements and commands in the page.
  • Values from the list search context can only be used inside that particular list

When to use

Use the search context when you need to keep some non entity parameters in the page and use them for filtering data, string interpolations, boolean expressions and commands.

How to use

1. Create a structure in the projection to define search context attributes

Before creating search context fields, it is required to create a structure in the projection to define the attributes that the search context fields are based on. Metadata related to properties like data type, label, references required to create the fields in the client will be extracted using these attributes; see code example below

structure PageSearchContextStructure {  
   attribute FromDate Date;  
   attribute ToDate Date;  

2. Implement a function to get the default values

This is an optional step. If it is required to assign some default values to search context fields when the page/list is loaded, a function should be created in the projection to get the default values. Define the function in the projection and implement it in the plsvc file. The return type of the function should be the same structure used to create the search context.

function GetPageSearchContextDefaults Structure(PageSearchContextStructure);  

FUNCTION Get_Page_Search_Context_Defaults RETURN PageSearch_Context_Structure_Rec  
   Page_Search_Context_Struct Page_Search_Context_Structure_Rec;  
   Page_Search_Context_Struct.From_Date := sysdate;  
   Page_Search_Context_Struct.To_Date := sysdate+30;  
   RETURN Page_Search_Context_Struct;  
END Get_Page_Search_Context_Defaults_;  

3. Define search context in client

Define the search context in the client and set the fields to be included inside that search context. Keep the label empty if you do not want to include a label for the search context.

searchcontext PageSearchContext for PageSearchContextStructure {  
   label = "Duration";   
   field FromDate;  
   field ToDate;  

4. Add the search context into a page or list

Once the search context is defined in the client, it can be included into a page or a list. Same search context can be reused in different pages/lists. If there is a function available to get the default values, it can be specified using defaults property as shown below.

page SamplePage using SampleEntityset {  
   label = "My Sample Page";  
   searchcontext PageSearchContext {  
      defaults = GetPageSearchContextDefaults();  
   selector SampleSelector;  
   group SampleGroup;  
   list OrderList using OrdersSet;  

page OrderOverview using OrdersSet {  
   list OrderList {  
      searchcontext ListSearchContext {  
         defaults = GetListSearchContextDefaults();  

5. Use search context values to filter data in elements

The main usage of the search context is to filter data in elements like lists available in the page. It can be done in two ways:

  • Use the search context values with the filter property in list (provided the filter can be implemented as a filter expression in the marble code)
  • Populate the list using a function and pass the search context values as function parameters. Use this method if it is a complex WHERE statement that cannot be implemented as a filter expression in the marble code or if it is required to run a dynamic WHERE statement to get the result.

The following format must be used when accessing the search context values from the marble code: _searchcontext.<search_context_name>.<search_context_value>_

page SamplePage using SampleEntityset {  
   label = "My Sample Page";  
   searchcontext PageSearchContext {  
      defaults = GetPageSearchContextDefaults();  
   selector SampleSelector;  
   group SampleGroup;  
   list OrderList using OrdersSet {  
      filter = [StartDate > searchcontext.PageSearchContext.FromDate and EndDate < searchcontext.PageSearchContext.ToDate];  

page SamplePage using SampleEntityset {  
   label = "My Sample Page";  
   searchcontext PageSearchContext {  
      defaults = GetPageSearchContextDefaults();  
   selector SampleSelector;  
   group SampleGroup;  
   list OrderList using GetDemoOrders(searchcontext.PageSearchContext.FromDate, searchcontext.PageSearchContext.ToDate);  

6. Other usages

In addition to providing parameters to filter the data, search context values can be used in other places like boolean expressions, string interpolations, lov function parameters and commands.

// String interpolations  
list OrderList for CustomerOrder {  
   label = "Customer Orders for ${searchcontext.PageSearchContext.CurrentDate}";  
   field OrderNo;  

// Boolean expression  
list OrderList for CustomerOrder {  
   field CustomerNo {  
      columnexclude = [searchcontext.PageSearchContext.IsValid = true];  

// LOV datasource function  
list OrderList for CustomerOrder {  
   lov PersonRef with PersonSelector using GetSupervisors(searchcontext.PageSearchContext.CurrentDate) {  
      label = "Person";  

// Commands  
command ApproveOrderCommand for CustomerOrder {  
   label = "Approve";   
   execute {  
      call DoApprove(OrderNo, searchcontext.PageSearchContext.IsValid, searchcontext.ListSearchContext.AccountDate);  

7. Pass Search Context values when navigate

Values to the page search context fields can be passed in the URL when navigating to a page with a search context.

command GoToSamplePage for CustomerOrder {  
   label = "Sample Page";  
   execute {  
      navigate "page/DemoClient/SamplePage?searchcontext=FromDate:$[StartDate],ToDate:$[EndDate]";  

8. Hide search context fields

If the search context values are not supposed to be shown to the user (that is if values are set from the background using default method or through navigation parameters), you can hide the fields by setting the visible property to false for the relevant search context fields that needs to be hidden from the user. If all the fields in the search context are hidden, then search context panel will not be visible in the client as well.

9. Auto update search context field values

When the value of a search context field has been changed by the user, it is possible to set some more search context field values to be changed based on the value changed by the user. This is achieved by using the validateCommand in search context field.

searchcontext PageSearchContext for PageSearchContextStructure {  
   field SiteRequired {  
      validate command {  
         execute {  
            set IsValid = false;  
            if[SiteRequired = true] {  
               call GetOrderSearchStructure() into SCStruct;  
               set CurrentDate = SCStruct.DueDate;  
   field IsValid;  
   field CurrentDate;  


Below is a list of keywords used within the control.



Below is a list of properties that can be used to customize the search context.

label | defaults


Below is an example of search context values used in different areas:

searchcontext PageSearchContext for PageSearchContextStructure {  
   field IsValid;  
   field CurrentDate;  
searchcontext ListSearchContext for ListSearchContextStructure {  
   field AccountDate;  
page SiteForm using Sites {  
   label = "Sites";  
   searchcontext PageSearchContext {  
      defaults = GetPageDefaultValue();  
   selector SiteSelector;  
   group SiteGroup;  
   list OrderList using GetOrders(searchcontext.PageSearchContext.IsValid) {  
      searchcontext ListSearchContext {  
         defaults = GetListDefaultValue();  
list OrderList for CustomerOrder {  
   label = "Customer Orders for ${searchcontext.PageSearchContext.CurrentDate}";  
   field OrderNo;  
   field CustomerNo {  
      columnexclude = [searchcontext.PageSearchContext.IsValid = true];  
   field OrderDate;  
   field Description;  
   lov PersonRef with PersonSelector using GetSupervisors(searchcontext.PageSearchContext.CurrentDate) {  
      label = "Person";  
      description = InternalDisplayName;  
   command ApproveOrderCommand;  
command ApproveOrderCommand for CustomerOrder {  
   label = "Approve";   
   execute {  
      call DoApprove(OrderNo, searchcontext.PageSearchContext.IsValid, searchcontext.ListSearchContext.AccountDate);  

Example 1 - Search context values used in different areas