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Manufacturing Execution System (MES)

A Manufacturing Execution System (MES) enables two-way IoT communication of manufacturing business information between IFS Cloud and machines in the production facility. This integration provides a new level of insight, control, and efficiency in the production system. IFS Cloud can be used as a standalone MES solution or integrated with third-party systems. The supported architecture primarily relies on external requests using ODATA REST APIs, with the exception of the ability to send start and stop messages outbound to an external machine.

A common practice is to employ an integration platform (middleware) as an intermediate communication broker. This platform can serve multiple functions, such as acting as a network load balancer, a network security layer or bridge, an IoT address repository, an message protocol converter, and a Machine Language Translator.

Permission Set and Service Account

Set up a custom permission set with the MES projections, or alternatively, use the predefined MANUF_EXECUTION permission set. Create an IAM client connected to a service account user, and then add the permission set to this account. Subsequently, include the service account in the required company and site.

This client ID and client secret are utilized in the authorization process when using the REST APIs. This ensures that access is restricted to the specified MES APIs and the services they provide.