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Installer Updater

The Installer updater is used to replace the current installer version in a delivery / Build home to the latest (or a specified) version available for the release. The latest installer will also apply the latest Middle Tier (MT) components (pods) which has the latest security patches. Normally the version that resides in the delivery that comes from Build Place should be used in all environments. If there are particular needs for not adding security patches to MT it is possible to manually change the installer version (and MT version) by downloading a newer or older installer before deploying the delivery. This must be done in all deliveries that should preserve the MT version. IFS recommends to always apply the latest MT using the latest installer (first in all test envs and last in production). There should not be any risk to bump the MT version as it is 100% backwards compatible with all older database SU's. The important change in the MT are the security patches.

Note: Once the MT is updated should not be reverted, from IFS perspective there is no need to revert a MT update. The installer will preserve the running MT version if the installer the delivery is lower than the running MT. The installer will raise a warning if that occurs.

The installer updater will find the ifscloud-values.yaml in the ifsroot\config folder if the installer updater is run from a normal delivery structure ifsroot\deliveries\<my-delivery>\ifsinstallerupdater.

Installer Updater Directives

The updater requires an ifscloud-values.yaml, used for the installation. Any parameter in the values file may be overridden using --set arguments.

.\installerupdater.cmd --values values.yaml
to specify a SU version set the releaseServiceUpdate variable as below:
.\installerupdater.cmd --values values.yaml --set releaseServiceUpdate=2

For installations with the release repo different from the installation repo, the following arguments may be used to override the installer settings:

Parameter Description
releaseRepo The repo URL where the release information files are available. If not given, the value of helmRepo is used.
releaseFile The release information file. If not given, the default track info file is used.
installerRepo The repo URL where the installer update packages are available. If not given, the value of helmRepo is used.
installerFile The file location for the installer build zip. If not given, the default build file name is used.
releaseUser If not given, the value of helmUser is used.
releasePwd If not given, the value of helmPwd is used.
installerUser If not given, the value of helmUser is used.
installerPwd If not given, the value of helmPwd is used.

NOTE: The arguments must be set to the updater with a --set directive.


--set releaseUser=test_user