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Encountered Errors and Problems

This page deals with IFS Business Reporter related errors or problems that have been encountered in different situations. Workarounds are presented where available.

IFS Business Reporter Reports Open Empty After Fresh Installation

If IFS Business Reporter is installed using the Setup.exe (or the msi file) it might happen that reports opened through IFS Cloud are empty.

First make sure that the IFS Business Reporter COM add-in is available.

In Excel, select File\Options\Add-ins, select COM Add-ins in the Manage list box and click Go...

The IFS Business Reporter Addin should show up as an available Add-in.

The next step will be to restart the actual computer and after restart check the open scenario again.

Opening a report saved on Microsoft OneDrive with Excel 2016

A problem related to Microsoft Excel 2016 and Microsoft OneDrive has been encountered.

When opening a IFS Business Reporter report saved on Microsoft OneDrive using Excel 2016 an error might occur. The error looks like this:

The remedy is to modify the OneDrive settings related to Office by disabling the File collaboration check box.

Publisher cannot be verified

For some Operating Systems as e.g. Windows 10, there might be a message saying Publisher cannot be verified if IFS Business Reporter is installed using the msi and if a non-default installation location is chosen.

The message that appears looks as follows:

Continue by clicking on the Install button.

The dialog might appear one more time. Also in this case, continue by clicking Install.

IFS Business Reporter will finally install successfully and can now be used.

Security warning during ClickOnce installation

Anti-virus software might report certain files included in the IFS Business Reporter release as non-trusted (or inconclusive) files.

As long as the reported files are the ones Signed by IFS, they will cause no harm to the system or to the successful running of the Business Reporter tool.

Proceed to install Business Reporter by allowing access to these files.

Following is an image of a security warning shown by Symantec anti-virus software:

Symantec security warning