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Importing Permission Sets using the Solution Manager

The exported Permission Sets can be imported using Solution Manager's Import Permission Set option.

Note: The exported zip files need to be extracted from the zip archive before being added to the delivery.

  1. Navigate to the Import Permission Sets page.

  2. Browse the Permission Set XML files needed to be imported.

  3. Select Next to perform the import validations and it will show the summary.

Import Permission Set

  1. If you have the wanted options, select Finish to start importing the Permission Sets. Once imported, you will see the import log with all necessary details of your import performed.

Import Permission Set

Import Options:

  • Add: Permission Set will be created as a new Permission Set. This option is allowed only for the non-existing Permission Sets in the environment.

  • Replace: This option will be enabled for existing Permission Sets only. All the grants in the existing Permission Set will be cleared, and be replaced with the grants in the imported Permission Set.

  • Merge: This option will be enabled for existing Permission Sets. It will add the new grants coming in from import only. This will not change the additional grants in the existing Permission Set in the environment.

  • Skip: This option will be enabled for all Permission Sets trying to import. By choosing Skip option, the Permission Set will skip from the import.

Import Validations

  • IFS Managed / IFS Managed Base: Validate the Permission Set name with existing IFS Managed or IFS Managed Base permission set. If it exists, Permission Set Exists will be marked as Yes and Import Option will be set to Skip. IFS Managed / IFS Managed Base Permission Sets are not allowed to be imported.

  • Existing Permission Sets: Validate the Permission Set name with existing Permission Sets in the environment. If it is a non-existing Permission Set, Import Option will be set to Add and will import as a new Permission Set.

  • LTU Permission Sets: If the importing Permission Set is an LTU Permission Set, it will set the Limited Task User Flag to Yes. If it is an existing LTU Permission Set, it will automatically select the Replace Import Option. The Merge Option will be disabled for LTU Permission Sets.

  • Large Permission Sets: If the Permission Sets XML file is greater than 2 MB, it will be imported using a background job.

Include User & User Group Grants Import

If user grants exist in a Permission Set, you have the option to Exclude User Grants or Exclude User Group Grants from the import. This will only exclude the User or Group Grants. Others will be exported as normal.

Show Difference

Show Difference command can be used to highlight all changes that will occur upon finishing the import. For Permission Sets larger than 2MB, the Show Difference command will not be available.

Import Difference