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IFS Connect for Sending IFS Delivery e-reporting

The purpose with this page is to provide a step-by-step guide on how to, in IFS Connect, create new routing rules and how to use them effectively to direct outgoing IFS delivery e-reporting to destination addresses.

Use this page when you want to learn more about how to configure IFS Connect for sending of IFS delivery e-reporting.

Set up Routing Rules for Outgoing IFS Delivery e-reporting

Configure routing address - Example_Send_Delivery_Document_To_Authority

  1. Navigate to Routing Addresses and click on new.

  2. Select Transport Connector as HTTP and give a name as preferred (Example_Send_Delivery_Document_To_Authority) to the address, then click next.

  3. In the formatting routing address step add UTF-8 as the encoding value, then click next.

  4. Under transformer step add the transformer COMMUNICATE_TO_PORTUGAL_AUTHORITY to Transformers section, then click Next.

  5. In HTTP Address Data Step, fill the information as follows.

    1. Sender Instance – HTTP sender
    2. Url - Give the URL with port based on the test or production endpoint.
    3. Soap Action - envioDocumentoTransporte
    4. Authentication Method - None
    5. Additional Headers - ssl:KeyStoreId=
  6. Click Finish.

    Note: This is an example http routing address to send the message to Portugal authority. Also, this delivery e-report is sent to the authority as a direct communication. Therefore, it requires to upload a SSL certificate within the routing address for a successful communication. Refer this section How to create Destination Address in the IFS Connect for further information on routing addresses.

Configure routing address - RoutingRule_Example_ Send Delivery Document

  1. Navigate to Solution Manager / Integration / IFS Connect / ** Routing Rules.**

  2. Select the Outbound tab.

  3. Click on Create New and Assistant New Routing Rule will appear.

  4. Select Routing Rule type as Outbound and click Next.

  5. Select APPLICATION_MESSAGE to route from and ensure the checkbox Enabled is selected.

  6. Enter a proper rule name (RoutingRule_Example_ Send Delivery Document) in the Rule Name field.

  7. Keep the field Queue empty, since first request is synchronous.

  8. Click Finish.

  9. Select New in the Content Based Conditions area.

  10. Select SENDER as Search , equals(=) as Operation and PT_WS_COMM_TRANS_DOC as Match.

  11. From the section Destination Addresses  choose the Set Destination Address command and select destination address/addresses dedicated to the scenario given in Content Based Conditions. (Example_Send_Delivery_Document_To_Authority)

  12. Press OK.

  13. If you have selected several addresses, you have to set which of them to be the main address by selecting command Set as Main Address.

  14. Routing Rules will be selected according to the following rules,

    1. Most importantly all the Content Based Conditions should match.
    2. If there are more than one Routing Rule with all the Content Based Conditions matching, then the process will select the Routing Rule with the most Content Based Conditions.
    3. If there is more than one Routing Rule with same number of matching, Content Based Conditions then, the process will select the Routing Rule which is created first. It is advisable not to relay on the created date/time of the Routing Rule and instead make more specific Content Based Conditions.